
A tool to extract and format academic data from Web of Science and Crossref

pip install academic-metrics==0.1.1a0



A repository which implements data collection of a University's academic research articles within a given time period and classifies them into categories defined by the NSF PhD research focus areas taxonomy then provides:

  • Data on an article level
  • Data on individual authors
  • Data on category level

Currently the data is outputted in JSON format. There exists a script for converting the JSON to an Excel file but is currently somewhat finnicky.

A more thorough offline file formatting will be implemented in the future.

How to install

For non-development

  1. Install the package pip install academic-metrics

  2. Create a .env file in the root directory and add your OpenAI API key: OPENAI_API_KEY=<your_openai_api_key>

  3. Create a script in the root directory and add the following:

    from academic_metrics.runners.pipeline import PipelineRunner
    runner = PipelineRunner(ai_api_key=os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY"))

For development

  1. Clone the repository:
    • HTTPS: git clone
    • SSH: git clone
  2. Navigate into the project root directory cd COSC425-DATA and run the setup script python
    • This will install the academic_metrics package in editable mode and configure the pre-commit in .git/hooks
    • The git hook will format the code on commit using black


As of 11/9/2024 the pipeline runs off input files in src/academic_metrics/data/core/input_files

Shortly integration of the crossref API code will be made in academic_metrics/runners/ so that you can pass in your school name, data range, etc. to get your own data outputted.

Integration for writing to a mongoDB database is currently implemented only for our use case, future integration will allow two modes:

  1. Offline output files to src/academic_metrics/data/core/output_files
    • In this mode the API for crossref will still work but the output files will be saved locally rather to a database.
  2. Database support. For this you will have to create a .env file in the root directory and add the following:
    • MONGO_URI=<your_mongo_uri>
    • MONGO_DB_NAME=<your_mongo_db_name>
    • MONGO_COLLECTION_NAME=<your_mongo_collection_name>