Cisco ACI Developing Interface for PYthon

pip install acidipy==0.12.1



Cisco ACI Python API

ACI Developing Interface for PYthon

version : 0.13.0

last change : python3 support


Support Object

Prepared Objects

ACI Object Name Acidipy Object Name Reserved Code Name Description
fvTenant aciTenantModel Tenant Tenant
fvCtx aciContextModel Context Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF)
fvBD aciBridgeDomainModel BridgeDomain Bridge Domain
fvAp aciAppProfileModel AppProfile Appliation Profile
fvSubnet aciSubnetModel Subnet Subnet
fvAEPg aciEPGModel EPG Endpoint Group
fvCEp aciEndpointModel Endpoint Endpoint
fabricPod aciPodModel Pod Pod
fabricNode aciNodeModel Node ACI Node
fabricPathEpCont aciPathsModel Paths Path Endpoint Container
fabricProtPathEpCont aciVPathsModel VPaths Protected Path Endpoint Container
fabricPathEp aciPathModel Path Path Endpoint
vzFilter aciFilterModel Filter Filter
vzBrCP aciContractModel Contract Contract
vzEntry aciFilterEntryModel FilterEntry Filter Entry
vzSubj aciSubjectModel Subject Subject of Contract
l3extOut aciL3OutModel L3Out L3 External Out
l3extInstP aciL3ProfileModel L3Profile L3 External Profile
topSystem aciSystemModel System Node System Details
l1PhysIf aciPhysIfModel PhysIf Physical Interfaces

And Retrieve Anything with Controller Object through "Class()" Method


From GIT

$ python build
$ python install

From PIP

$ pip install acidipy

Example Acidipy

import acidipy

controller = acidipy.Controller('', 'admin', '1234Qwer') # Get controller connection

tenant = controller.Tenant.create(name='example-tenant') # Create tenant
bd = tenant.BridgeDomain.create(name='example-bd') # Create bridge domain
ap = tenant.AppProfile.create(name='example-ap') # Create application profile
epg = ap.EPG.create(name='example-epg') # Create endpoint group

epg.relate(bd) # Relate endpoint group to bridge domain

print controller.Tenant.list() # Retrive list of tenant
print tenant.AppProfile('example-ap').EPG.list() # Retrive list of endpoint group about tenant created
print ap.EPG('example-epg') # Retrive endpoing group by name

print ap.parent() # Retrive example-ap's parent
print ap.children() # Retrive example-ap's children
print ap.detail() # Retrive example-ap's whole attributes

epg.delete() # Delete endpoint group
ap.delete() # Delete application profile
bd.delete() # Delete bridge domain
tenant.delete() # Delete tenant

controller.close() # Close controller connection


see Acidipy Library here

see Ansible Module here

see Binary Tools here