
actuarialCalculations == v1.0.1 --> Annuity Calculation, Amortization Schedule, Sinking Fund ...

finance, annuity, calculations, actuarial, math, financial, amortization, schedule, sinking, fund, present, value, accumulated
pip install actuarialCalculations==1.0.0


Project description

This package includes financial math calculations for actuarial calculations such as annuity calculations, amortization schedule, sinking fund calculations and constructing tables with those formulas.


pip install actuarialCalculations

Calculate Amortization & Sinking Fund

method takes 4 parameters

  1. Interest rate
  2. Years
  3. Frequency of the interest that hits in that period of time
  4. Loan Amount

Calculating Amortization Table

'''Create an instance of CalctulateAmortization class and pass the parameters as intergers '''
calculate = CalctulateAmortization(interestRate, years, frequency, loanAmount)
'''To run the calculations we need to call execute funtion '''

method takes 4 parameters

  1. Interest rate
  2. Years
  3. Frequency of the interest that hits in that period of time
  4. Money Amount

Calculating Sinking Fund Table

''' Create an instance of CalculateSinkingFund class and pass the parameters as integers'''
calculate = CalculateSinkingFund(interestRate, years, frequency, amount)
'''To run the calculations we need to call execute funtion '''

Calcuating present value

Assuming our user would like to know the downpayment amount with provided kwargs below;


terms, period and interest amount rate. Price - (presentValue* _N _ Repay Amount ) = Down payment

Calculating the future value

Assuming our user pays at the end of the given period, so our program should accumulate the value with gthe iven interest rate;


Accumulated Down payment(1+i)**N = Accumulated Price(1+i)**N - (AccumulatedValue*_N _ Repay Amount)

Calculating The Down Payment with Given Time Value

Assuming our user wants to calculate the downpayment with the given period of time


Accumulated Down payment = Accumulated Price ** T -(presentValue * Repay Amount ) ** T- (AccumulatedValue * Repay Amount)**-(N+T) / (1+i)**T

Present Value method takes 5 parameters as intergers and returns downpayment amount
presentValue = PresentValue(
    InterestRate, effectiveInterestTerms, fixedPeriod, repayAmount, price)

Accumulated Value method takes 5 parameters as intergers and returns downpayment amount (future value)
accumulatedValue = AccumulatedValue(
    InterestRate, effectiveInterestTerms, fixedPeriod, repayAmount, price)

Calculate Given Time method takes 5 parameters as intergers and returns downpayment amount at any given time.
calculateGivenTime = CalculateGivenTime(
    InterestRate, effectiveInterestTerms, fixedPeriod, repayAmount, price)