'URL parser and manipulator based on the WHAT WG URL standard'

pip install ada-url==1.7.0



The urlib.parse module in Python does not follow the legacy RFC 3978 standard nor does it follow the newer WHATWG URL specification. It is also relatively slow.

This is ada_url, a fast standard-compliant Python library for working with URLs based on the Ada URL parser.


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Usage examples

Parsing URLs

The URL class is intended to match the one described in the WHATWG URL spec:.

The parse_url function returns a dictionary of all URL elements:

Altering URLs

Replacing URL components with the URL class:

Replacing URL components with the replace_url function:

>>> from ada_url import replace_url >>> replace_url('https://example.org/path/../file.txt', host='example.com') 'https://example.com/file.txt'

Search parameters

The URLSearchParams class is intended to match the one described in the WHATWG URL spec.

The parse_search_params function returns a dictionary of search keys mapped to value lists:

Internationalized domain names

The idna class can encode and decode IDNs:

WHATWG URL compliance

This library is compliant with the WHATWG URL spec. This means, among other things, that it properly encodes IDNs and resolves paths:

Contrast that with the Python standard library's urlib.parse module:

Alternative Python bindings

This package uses CFFI to call the Ada library's functions, which has a performance cost. The alternative can_ada (Canadian Ada) package uses pybind11 to generate a Python extension module, which is more performant.