Update dependencies in Community add-ons.

hassio-addons, repository, updates
pip install addonupdater==0.0.22


addonupdater Build Status

Update dependencies in Community add-ons.
NB!: This package is intended only for maintainers of the community add-ons project.


Require Python version 3.5.3+

pip install addonupdater


addonupdater --token AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA --addon sqlite-web --test
Starting upgrade sequence for sqlite-web
Checking for apk uppdates
g++ Allready have the newest version 6.4.0-r9
gcc Allready have the newest version 6.4.0-r9
make Allready have the newest version 4.2.1-r2
python3-dev Allready have the newest version 3.6.6-r0
apache2-utils Allready have the newest version 2.4.35-r0
nginx Allready have the newest version 1.14.2-r0
python3 Allready have the newest version 3.6.6-r0
cython Allready have the newest version 0.28.2-r0
Checking for pip uppdates
flask Allready have the newest version 1.0.2
sqlite-web Allready have the newest version 0.3.5
:arrow_up: Upgrades peewee to version 3.8.0
Test was enabled, skipping commit
:arrow_up: Upgrades datasette to version 0.26
Test was enabled, skipping commit

CLI options

param alias description
--token -T An GitHub Access token with repo permissions.
--addon -A Name of the add-on, this has to match the dir that contains the Dockerfile.
--repo -R Name of the repo for the add-on, this is optional and defaults to addon-ADDONNAME.
--test None If this flag is used commits will be omitted.
--verbose None Print more stuff to the console.
--apk_version None Target version of apk packages, like 3.9.
--skip_apk None Skip apk updates.
--skip_custom None Skip custom updates.
--skip_pip None Skip pip updates.
--skip_base None Skip base image updates.
--org None Specify GitHub org, defaults to 'hassio-addons'.
-pull_request -PR Create a PR instead of pushing directly to master.
