
A module to convert addresses to images using mapnik

pip install address2img==1.0.0



A python module to convert addresses to map images using open source map data sources and mapnik.


address2img works on any system with mapnik 2.x or newer.

Mapnik must be installed before proceeding with install. To test for mapnik, run

mapnik-config -v # Should return a version 2.x or newer

Use pip to install address2img

sudo python -m pip install address2img

Basic Usage

To use address2img, the configuration file and mapnik xml file must be configured. The configuration file is config.ini by default. To configure the mapnik xml file, see here.

After the config and xml files are configured, usage is as simple as importing the module and calling the function.

# importing map_maker file from address2img
from address2img import map_maker

# defining addresses for which render maps, must be a list
addresses = [
    'Piazza del Duomo, 56126 Pisa PI, Italy',
    '1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500',
# instantiating Map_Maker class with addresses
worker = map_maker.Map_Maker(addresses)

# calling make_map method of the Map_Maker instance