Fully asynchronous read-only API wrapper for 2ch.hk (dvach)

2ch, Двач, Dvach, api, wrapper, async, asyncio, python
pip install aio2ch==2.1.2



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Fully asynchronous read-only API wrapper for 2ch.hk (dvach, Двач)


Install with pip

$ pip3 install aio2ch

Build from source

$ git clone https://github.com/wkpn/aio2ch
$ cd ./aio2ch
$ python3 setup.py install


Simple usage (in this case client.close() must be called when client is no longer needed)

>>> from aio2ch import Api
>>> client = Api()
>>> ...
>>> await client.close()

Or you can use it as a context manager

>>> async with Api() as client:
...     boards = await client.get_boards()
...     ...

Get all boards

>>> boards = await client.get_boards()

>>> boards
(<Board name='Фагготрия', id='fag'>, ... )

In addition we can get status for each method. This is useful for debug purposes or if retries are needed

>>> status, boards = await client.get_boards(return_status=True)

>>> status

>>> boards
(<Board name='Фагготрия', id='fag'>, ... )

Get all threads from a board

>>> threads = await client.get_board_threads(board="b")

>>> threads
(<Thread num='180981319'>, ... )

Get top threads from a board sorted by method (views, score or posts_count)

>>> top_threads = await client.get_top_board_threads(board="b", method="views", num=3)

>>> top_threads
(<Thread num='180894312'>, <Thread num='180946622'>, <Thread num='180963318'>)

Get all thread's posts (thread is an instance of Thread)

>>> thread_posts = await client.get_thread_posts(thread=thread)

>>> thread_posts
(<Post num='180894312'>, ... )

Get all thread's posts by url

>>> thread_posts = await client.get_thread_posts(thread="https://2ch.hk/test/res/30972.html")

>>> thread_posts
(<Post num='30972'>, ... )

Get all media in all thread's posts (images, webm and so on)

>>> thread_media = await client.get_thread_media(thread=thread)

>>> thread_media
(<File name='15336559148500.jpg', path='/b/src/180979032/15336559148500.jpg', size='19'>, ... )

Get specific thread media

>>> images_and_videos = await client.get_thread_media(thread, media_type=(Image, Video))

>>> images_and_videos
(<Image name=...>, <Video name=...>, ...)

>>> just_images = await client.get_thread_media(thread, media_type=Image)

>>> just_images
(<Image name=...>, ...)

Download all thread media

>>> await client.download_thread_media(files=thread_media, save_to="./downloads")