Pathlib support for asyncio

aiopathlib, asyncpath, aiopath, asyncio, pathlib, python3
pip install aiopathlib==0.2.1


aiopathlib: Pathlib support for asyncio

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aiopathlib is written in Python, for handling local disk files in asyncio applications.

Base on aiofiles and just like pathlib, but use await.

with open('filename', 'w') as fp:
    fp.write('My file contents')

text = await aiopathlib.AsyncPath('filename').read_text()
'My file contents'

content = await aiopathlib.AsyncPath(Path('filename')).read_bytes()
b'My file contents'

Asynchronous interface to create folder.

from aiopathlib import AsyncPath

apath = AsyncPath('dirname/subpath')
if not await apath.exists():
    await apath.mkdir(parents=True)


  • a file API very similar to Python's standard package pathlib, blocking API
  • support for buffered and unbuffered binary files, and buffered text files
  • support for async/await (:PEP:492) constructs


To install aiopathlib, simply:

$ pip install aiopathlib


These functions are awaitable

  • read_text
  • read_bytes
  • read_json
  • write_text
  • write_bytes
  • write_json
  • mkdir
  • touch
  • exists
  • rename
  • unlink
  • rmdir
  • remove
  • stat
  • lstat
  • is_file
  • is_dir
  • is_symlink
  • is_fifo
  • is_mount
  • is_block_device
  • is_char_device
  • is_socket


Some common using cases:

from pashlib import Path
from aiopathlib import AsyncPath

filename = 'test.json'
ap = AsyncPath(filename)
p = Path(filename)
assert (await ap.exists()) == p.exists() == False
await ap.touch()  # Create a empty file
assert (await ap.is_file()) == p.is_file() == True
assert (await ap.is_dir()) == p.is_dir() == False
assert (await ap.is_symlink()) == p.is_symlink() == False
for func in ('is_fifo', 'is_mount', 'is_block_device', 'is_char_device', 'is_socket'):
    assert (await getattr(ap, func)()) == getattr(p, func)()
d = {'key': 'value'}
await ap.write_json(d)  # == p.write_text(json.dumps(d))
assert (await ap.read_json()) == d  # == json.loads(p.read_text())
assert (await ap.read_bytes()) == p.read_bytes()  # b'{"key": "value"}'
assert (await ap.stat()) == p.stat()
assert (await ap.lstat()) == p.lstat()
ap = await ap.rename('test_dir')  # == AsyncPath(p.rename('test_dir'))
await ap.remove()  # == await ap.unlink() == p.unlink()
await ap.mkdir()  # == p.mkdir()

# Synchronization functions
[Path(i) for i in ap.glob('*')] == list(p.glob('*'))
[Path(i) for i in ap.rglob('*')] == list(p.rglob('*'))
ap / 'filename' == ap.joinpath('filename') == AsyncPath(f'{ap}/filename')
str(AsyncPath('string-or-Path-or-AsyncPath')) == str(Path('string-or-Path-or-AsyncPath'))
ap.stem == p.stem
ap.suffix == p.suffix
Path(ap.with_name('xxx')) == p.with_name('xxx')
Path(ap.parent) == p.parent
Path(ap.resolve()) == p.resolve()


0.3.1 (2022-02-20)

  • Return content size after write local file
  • Upgrade dependencies

0.3.0 (2021-12-16)

  • Support Python3.7
  • Clear dev_requirements.txt to be only package name and version

0.2.3 (2021-10-16)

  • Make touch pass test for py39.
  • Remove support for pypy3 from docs.

0.2.2 (2021-09-20)

  • Make touch/stat/is_file/... be awaitable.
  • Use super().__new__ for initial.

0.2.0 (2021-08-29)

  • Make AsyncPath be subclass of pathlib.Path.
  • Add github action to show test coverage.

0.1.3 (2021-08-28)

  • Add makefile.
  • Test all functions.
  • Fix rename method error.
  • Support sync pathlib methods.

0.1.0 (2021-06-14)

  • Introduced a changelog.
  • Publish at gitee.


Contributions are very welcome.