
Asynchronous library for accessing Swagger-1.1-enabled APIs

pip install aioswagger11==0.9.1



aioswagger11 is an asyncio-compatible clone of, capable of understanding Swagger 1.1 definitions (only).

As swagger has been renamed to OpenAPI which by now has version 3.0 (and has an actual specification – unlike Swagger 1.1) this library is (mostly) only usable with Asterisk, which still uses Swagger 1.1 declarations.

Aioswagger11 supports a WebSocket extension, allowing a WebSocket to be documented, and auto-generated WebSocket client code.

from is a Python library for using Swagger defined APIs.

Swagger itself is best described on the Swagger home page:

Swagger is a specification and complete framework implementation for describing, producing, consuming, and visualizing RESTful web services.

The Swagger specification defines how APIs may be described using Swagger.


Install the latest release from PyPI.

$ sudo pip install aioswagger11

Or install from source using the script.

$ sudo ./ install


aioswagger11 will dynamically build an object model from a Swagger-enabled RESTful API.

Here is a simple example using the Asterisk REST Interface

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import json
import asyncio
import aiohttp

from aioswagger11.client import SwaggerClient
from aioswagger11.http_client import AsynchronousHttpClient

http_client = AsynchronousHttpClient()
http_client.set_api_key('localhost', 'hey:peekaboo')

async def run(ari,msg_json):
    channelId = msg_json['channel']['id']
    await ari.channels.answer(channelId=channelId)
    # In a real program you should wait for the PlaybackFinished event instead
    await asyncio.sleep(3)
    await ari.channels.continueInDialplan(channelId=channelId)

async def main():
    ari = SwaggerClient(

    ws ='hello')

    async for msg_str in ws:
        if msg.type in {aiohttp.WSMsgType.CLOSED, aiohttp.WSMsgType.CLOSING}:
        elif msg.type != aiohttp.WSMsgType.TEXT:
            continue # ignore

        msg_json = json.loads(msg_str)
        if msg_json['type'] == 'StasisStart':

if __name__ == "__main__":
    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

Data model

The data model presented by the swagger_model module is nearly identical to the original Swagger API resource listing and API declaration. This means that if you add extra custom metadata to your docs (such as a _author or _copyright field), they will carry forward into the object model. I recommend prefixing custom fields with an underscore, to avoid collisions with future versions of Swagger.

There are a few meaningful differences.

  • Resource listing
  • The file and base_dir fields have been added, referencing the original .json file.
  • The objects in a resource_listing's api array contains a field api_declaration, which is the processed result from the referenced API doc.
  • API declaration
  • A file field has been added, referencing the original .json file.


The code is documented using Sphinx, which allows IntelliJ IDEA to do a better job at inferring types for autocompletion.

To keep things isolated, I also recommend installing (and using) virtualenv.

$ sudo pip install virtualenv
$ mkdir -p ~/virtualenv
$ virtualenv ~/virtualenv/swagger
$ . ~/virtualenv/swagger/bin/activate

Setuptools is used for building. Pytest is used for unit testing, with the coverage plugin installed to generated code coverage reports. Pass --with-coverage to generate the code coverage report. HTML versions of the reports are put in cover/index.html.

$ ./ develop   # prep for development (install deps, launchers, etc.)
$ ./ pytest    # run unit tests
$ ./ bdist_egg # build distributable


Simply run python3 pytest.

Note that testing this module requires a version of httpretty that's been fixed to work with aiohttp.


Copyright (c) 2013, Digium, Inc. Copyright (c) 2018, Matthias Urlichs

aioswagger11 is licensed with a BSD 3-Clause License.

The current author humbly requests that you share any further bug fixes or enhancements to this code.