
Auto-generated Diagrams from Airflow DAGs.

airflow, diagrams, cli, auto-generated, python
pip install airflow-diagrams==2.1.0rc1


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Auto-generated Diagrams from Airflow DAGs.

This project aims to easily visualise your Airflow DAGs on service level from providers like AWS, GCP, Azure, etc. via diagrams.

🚀 Get started

To install it from PyPI run:

pip install airflow-diagrams

Then just call it like this:

Usage: airflow-diagrams generate [OPTIONS]

  Generates <airflow-dag-id> in <output-path> directory which
  contains the definition to create a diagram. Run this file and you will get
  a rendered diagram.

  -d, --airflow-dag-id TEXT    The dag id from which to generate the diagram.
                               By default it generates for all.
  -h, --airflow-host TEXT      The host of the airflow rest api from where to
                               retrieve the dag tasks information.  [default:
  -u, --airflow-username TEXT  The username of the airflow rest api.
                               [default: admin]
  -p, --airflow-password TEXT  The password of the airflow rest api.
                               [default: admin]
  -o, --output-path DIRECTORY  The path to output the diagrams to.  [default:
  -m, --mapping-file FILE      The mapping file to use for static mapping from
                               Airflow task to diagram node. By default no
                               mapping file is being used.
  -v, --verbose                Verbose output i.e. useful for debugging
  --help                       Show this message and exit.

Examples of generated diagrams can be found in the examples directory.

🤔 How it Works

ℹī¸ At first it connects, by using the official Apache Airflow Python Client, to your Airflow installation to retrieve all DAGs (in case you don't specify any dag_id) and all Tasks for the DAG(s).

🔮 Then it tries to find a diagram node for every DAGs task, by using Fuzzy String Matching, that matches the most. If you are unhappy about the match you can also provide a mapping.yml file to statically map from Airflow task to diagram node.

đŸĒ„ Lastly it renders the results into a python file which can then be executed to retrieve the rendered diagram. 🎉

❤ī¸ Contributing

Contributions are very welcome. Please go ahead and raise an issue if you have one or open a PR. Thank you.