An open-source Python package for automated and scalable statistical analysis of mass spectrometry-based proteomics

bioinformatics, software, mass, spectometry, alphapept-ecosystem, dia-nn, fragpipe, mass-spectrometry, maxquant, msfragger, proteomics, spectronaut
pip install alphastats==0.6.5



An open-source Python package of the AlphaStats ecosystem from the Mann Group at the University of Copenhagen.

The full documentation can be found here.


An open-source Python package for downstream mass spectrometry downstream data analysis from the Mann Group at the University of Copenhagen.


AlphaStats can be installed in an existing Python 3.8 environment with a single bash command. This bash command can also be run directly from within a Jupyter notebook by prepending it with a !:

pip install alphastats


For the Graphical User Interface

alphastats gui

AlphaStats can be imported as a Python package into any Python script or notebook with the command import alphastats.

A brief Jupyter notebook tutorial on how to use the API is also present in the nbs folder.


In case of issues, check out the following:

  • Issues: Try a few different search terms to find out if a similar problem has been encountered before
  • Discussions: Check if your problem or feature requests has been discussed before.


AlphaStats was developed by the Mann Group at the University of Copenhagen and is freely available with an Apache License. External Python packages (available in the requirements folder) have their own licenses, which can be consulted on their respective websites.

How to contribute

If you like this software, you can give us a star to boost our visibility! All direct contributions are also welcome. Feel free to post a new issue or clone the repository and create a pull request with a new branch. For an even more interactive participation, check out the discussions and the the Contributors License Agreement.


See the for a full overview of the changes made in each version.