
A command line tool that provides the functionality to use cloud HSM services as a bitcoin wallet.

pip install altpiggybank==0.0.3



(version 0.0.x)



see for more information on cryptoasset custody and for tutorials on how to perform secure cryptoasset safekeeping.


AltPiggyBank is an open-sourced command line tool that provides the functionality required to turn cloud HSM services into a simple, affordable, and highly secure Bitcoin wallet.


pip install altpiggybank


Create a Bitcoin Address:

STEP 1: Generate a ECC Key Pair using the secp256k1 curve in your cloud HSM.

Example (using AWS CloudHSM):

Command:  genECCKeyPair -i 16 -l test1

Cfm3GenerateKeyPair returned: 0x00 : HSM Return: SUCCESS
Cfm3GenerateKeyPair:    public key handle: 3670038    private key handle: 3670074
Cluster Error Status
Node id 15 and err state 0x00000000 : HSM Return: SUCCESS

Take note of the ECC Key Pair's public key (VK) handle and private key (SK) handle.

STEP 2: Export public key in a PEM format file from your cloud HSM.

Example (using AWS CloudHSM):

Command:  exportPubKey -k 3670038 -out pubKey3670038.pem

PEM formatted public key is written to pubKey3670038.pem
Cfm3ExportPubKey returned: 0x00 : HSM Return: SUCCESS

STEP 3: Convert PEM file to Bitcoin Address

piggy addr [ pem file ] [ -v public key handle ] [ -s private key handle ]

$ piggy addr --help
Usage: piggy addr [OPTIONS] PEM_FILE

    -v TEXT  Your cloud HSM's public key(VK) handle  [required]
    -s TEXT  Your cloud HSM's private key(SK) handle  [required]
    --help   Show this message and exit.


$ piggy addr pubKey3670038.pem -v 3670038 -s 36700740

File addr3670038.json created
File 3670038.csv created

Address: 17oMUEB53gQDSEHyVL9FLZobEL8FnsRvR1
Confirmed Balance(SAT): 0 as of 18:21:09 08/10/20

The CSV file can be imported into a spreadsheet for record keeping. The addr JSON file is what altpiggybank will use to generate a transaction to transfer Bitcoin out of your address. altpiggybank calls an api from for confirmed balance data.

Refresh a Bitcoin Address

piggy refresh [ addr JSON file ]

piggy refresh --help
Usage: piggy refresh [OPTIONS] ADDR_JSON_FILE

  --help  Show this message and exit.


$ piggy refresh addr2621938.json

File 2621938.csv created

Address: 1BHznNt5x9rqMQ1dpWy4fw5y5PSJV3ZR3L
Confirmed Balance(SAT): 5659056 as of 18:52:27 08/10/20

Transaction Fee Estimate

piggy fee [ addr JSON file ] [ -a send all btc ] [ -p send partial btc ]

piggy fee --help
Usage: piggy fee [OPTIONS] ADDR_JSON_FILE

    -p      Send some of BTC in address to recipient's address and balance to
            change address

    -a      Send all BTC in address to recipient's address NOTE: This argument
            is mutually exclusive with partial  [required]

--help  Show this message and exit.


$ piggy fee addr2621938.json -a

The fee estimates for a transaction for 1BHznNt5x9rqMQ1dpWy4fw5y5PSJV3ZR3L with 1 inputs and 1 outputs are:

Fastest: 41472 sat
Half hour: 41472 sat
One hour: 36096 sat

altpiggybank calls an api from for fee recommendations.

Create an Unsigned Transaction

piggy tx [ addr JSON file ][ -a send all btc ] [ -p send partial btc ] [ -f mining fee in SATs ] [ -r recipient address ] [ -q quantity of BTC to transfer in SATs ] [ -c change address ]

$ piggy tx --help
Usage: piggy tx [OPTIONS] ADDR_JSON_FILE

    -a          Send all BTC in address to recipient's address NOTE: This
                argument is mutually exclusive with partial  [required]

    -p          Send some of BTC in address to recipient's address and balance
                to change address

    -f INTEGER  mining fee  [required]
    -r TEXT     The address you are sending BTC to  [required]
    -q INTEGER  The ammount of BTC being sent to recipient's address in SATs
                NOTE: This argument is mutually exclusive with all  [required]

    -c TEXT     Change address NOTE: This argument is mutually exclusive with
                all  [required]

    --help      Show this message and exit.


altpiggybank % piggy tx addr2621938.json -a -f 30000 -r 17oMUEB53gQDSEHyVL9FLZobEL8FnsRvR1

File unsignedTx2621938_1.bin created
File tx2621938.json created

altpiggybank will create one unsignedTx file for each transaction input.

The above example only contains one input, but you may be required to sign and upload multiple tx files. altpiggybank calls an api from for transaction input data.

Sign a Transaction

STEP 1: Sign the unsignedTx file with your private key stored in your cloud HSM.

Example (using AWS CloudHSM):

Command:  sign -f unsignedTx2621938_1.bin -k 2621448 -m 17 -out signedTx2621938_1.der

Signature creation successful
signature is written to file signedTx2621938_1.der
Cfm3Sign: sign returned: 0x00 : HSM Return: SUCCESS

STEP 2 Verify your signature with your public key in your cloud HSM.

Example (using AWS CloudHSM):

Command:  verify -f unsignedTx2621938_1.bin -s signedTx2621938_1.der -k 2621938 -m 17

Signature verifition successful
Cfm3Verify returned: 0x00 : HSM Return: SUCCESS

STEP 3 Add signature(s) to your transaction.

piggy signed [ tx json file ] [ -sig signedTx file ]

$ piggy signed tx2621938.json -sig signedTx2621938_1.der 

Copy and past the below raw transaction into a third-party broadcast transaction service.


Broadcast a Transaction

Altpiggybank does not currently support transaction broadcasting. Several free online services exist where a user can copy and paste the above transaction hex to broadcast a transactions.


Output Path

Starting in version 0.0.2, AltPiggyBank has the option of writting files to a user provided path. To set the output path: piggy [-out output path] [command]

Example using addr command

$ piggy -out ./addresses addr pubKey3670038.pem -v 3670038 -s 36700740


Private keys generated and stored in a cloud HSM services are better protected against theft or loss than with other non-custodial Bitcoin storage. You, however, have an active role in that security.

You must keep access to your cloud account secure. Cloud providers have extensive identity access management (IAM) tools and resources to help users secure thier accounts. Learn and follow best IAM pratices.

Private keys are not the only attack vector used to steal Bitcoin. An attacker can alter transaction data and trick you into unwittingly sending them your bitcoin. The data at risk, includes: (1) Your address prior to recieving Bitcoin, (2) The recipient's address, (3) Your change address, and (4) Unsigned transactions. Verify this data before any transaction.



Version 0.0.1 of AltPiggyBank:

  • Is not secure. An attacker can alter its code to provide false data.

  • May contain bugs that impact your ability to access your Bitcoin.

  • Is designed as a proof of concept only, not as production code.

The authors of AltPiggyBank assume no liability for the correctness of the code or any of the contents of the packages. Use AltPiggyBank at your own risk.