
A sober python base library

pip install amethyst-core==0.8.6



A sober python base library for python 3. (Full Documentation)


EXPERIMENTAL CODE. The interface to this library is not yet stable. At this time, improvements will be made to the interface without regard to backward compatibility. Backward-incompatible changes will not necessarily be documented in the changelog, and changes may be added which eat your puppy.

A Generic Serializable Object

The primary product of this module is a base python object class designed for easy serialization. JSON serialization and de-serialization come for free for attributes of (most of the) core python object types.

A Basic Class:

from amethyst.core import Object, Attr

class MyObject(Object):
    foo = Attr(int)
    bar = Attr(isa=str).strip()

myobj = MyObject(foo="23")
print( + 1)      # => 24

Validation / Coersion

class MyObject(Object):
    amethyst_verifyclass = False  # don't check json for class name
    foo = Attr(int)               # coerce to int
    bar = Attr(isa=str).strip()   # ensure str then strip whitespace


  • constructors

    myobj = MyObject({ "foo": "23", "bar": "Hello " })
    myobj = MyObject(foo="23", bar="Hello ")
    print(isinstance(, int))     # True
    print(                      # "Hello"
  • assignment

    myobj["foo"] = "23"                   # Converts to int
    myobj["foo"] = "Not an int"           # Raises exception = "23"                      # Converts to int = "Not an int"              # Raises exception
  • set and update methods

    myobj.set("foo", value)               # Convert to int or raise exception
    myobj.update(foo=value)               # Convert to int or raise exception
    myobj.setdefault("foo", value)        # Convert or raise only if foo unset
  • loading fresh from dict or json

    # Converts and trims
    myobj.load_data({"foo": "23", "bar": "Hello "})
    # Converts and trims
    myobj = MyObject.newFromJSON('{"foo": "23", "bar": "Hello "}')
    myobj.fromJSON('{"foo": "23", "bar": "Hello "}')

Not Validated

myobj.direct_set("foo", "Not an int")     # DANGER: Not an exception!
myobj.direct_update(foo="Not an int")     # DANGER: Not an exception!


JSON text can be produced and loaded, even for nested objects.

json_string = myobj.toJSON()
myobj2 = MyObject.newFromJSON(json_string)

Other serialization libraries can easily be used as well.

yaml_string = yaml.dump(myobj.deflate_data())
myobj2 = MyObject.inflate_new(yaml.safe_load(yaml_string))

By default the JSON serializer injects type hints to ensure that objects are de-serialized into the correct class:

# print(MyObject(foo=23, bar="plugh").toJSON())
{"__class__": "__mymodule.MyObject__", "foo": 23, "bar": "plugh"}

When building an object from JSON, the constructor will look for these hints and raise a ValueError if the type hint is missing or imported into the wrong class.

# These raise ValueError
MyObject.newFromJSON('{"foo":23, "bar":"plugh"}')
MyObject.newFromJSON('{"__class__": "__mymodule.MyOtherObject__", "foo":23}')

Class verification can be skipped by passing verifyclass=False to the loader.

myobj = MyObject.newFromJSON('{"foo":23, "bar":"plugh"}', verifyclass=False)

If you want no munging or class verification at all, set the class parameters:

class MyObject(Object):
    amethyst_includeclass  = False
    amethyst_verifyclass   = False

    foo = Attr(int)
    bar = Attr(isa=str).strip()

# No extra class info due to modified defaults:
myobj = MyObject.newFromJSON('{"foo":"23", "bar":"plugh"}')
# => { "foo": 23, "bar": "plugh" }

Ecosystem integration

Works with sqlite3.Row objects:

import sqlite3
conn = sqlite3.connect(myfile)
conn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row
for row in conn.execute('SELECT * FROM mytable')
    obj = MyObject(row)

Works with six.iteritems():

import six
for k, v in six.iteritems(myobj):