
ANRITSU MS2090A Automatic Measurement System

pip install anritsu-ms2090a-ams==0.0.3


ANRITSU MS2090A Automatic Measurement System

Version: 0.1


This is a Python library for controlling the ANRITSU MS2090A. The library is based on the pyvisa library and uses the pyvisa-py backend.


You can find the library in the src folder.

The library can be used to control the MS2090A from Python.

python anritsu_ms2090a_ams
pip install anritsu-ms2090a-ams

Using pip, you can run the programm from the command line with the same flags that running with Python command, but remember that when you use this method, you must be in the folder where you want to save the data and configuration files.


After execute this command, the programm will be entered in the configuration mode where you can introduce the parameters for measurements, it will be saved on a file called "anritsu_config". Text between [] are the default values.

If you can create custom config files, you can use the flag -f to choose the file you want to use.

python anritsu_ms2090a_ams -f config_file

If you want skip the configuration mode, you can use the flag --skipSetup to skip that. To do that, you must have a config file.

python anritsu_ms2090a_ams -f config_file --skipSetup

After the configuration, the programm will be entered in the measurement mode where you can choose the type of measurement you want to do.

In continuous mode, the programm will be executed until you press Ctrl+C. When you press Ctlr+C, the programm will ask you for the name of the file where you want to save the data.