
Scripts for ansible to report host output data

system management ansible automation reporting
pip install ansiblereporter==1.6.1


Ansible command output parsers

This module contains scripts to run ansible commands on targets and storing the results to nicely formatted output files. You can either use the default scripts included, or use the module to process output data as required.

Major difference to normal ansible is that all results are collected before reporting, avoiding issues with mixed asynchronous output from various hosts when using multiple forks.


Run one of following to install these tools:

make install

PREFIX=/usr/local make install

Included commands


Run single ansible command with options to output data to files, either with default formatter or as json formatted results. With no options results are collected and reported to stdout in mostly ansible compatible text output.


Run ansible playbook with similar options to output data from playbook steps to files as ansible-reporter. The output differs from playbook output, because for each host output from each ansible playbook task is reported fully.

Example data parsers

Trivial example data parsers are available in examples/ directory of source code tree.