
Smart and colorful solution for logging, output, and basic terminal control.

ANSI, CLI, terminal, color, colour
pip install ansilog==1.5


\033[1;31m [ANSIlog] \033[0m: Utilities for colorful output, logging, and

basic terminal control.

ansilog is a CLI-focused module that provides colorful output primitives and basic terminal control. It currently supports 16-color terminal escape sequences, along with various ANSI control sequences, attributes, and some extra terminal control features. It also offers ansilog.StreamHandler, which can be added to loggers to enable colorized log levels and other colorized output. ansilog is smart enough to know when it is writing to a tty or a file, and will strip all ANSI sequences before writing to files.

Colors and attributes are wrapped in a convenient tag interface, with the ansilog.print() function and ansilog.StreamHandler being able to convert these tags to output strings and strip ANSI sequences from them when necessary.

The tags help automate the labor of resetting to terminal defaults (and previous highlights) when switching between highlight modes. You can include any number of string-able objects in the tag factory function and they will be concatenated.

ANSIlog respects the NO_COLOR environment variable in that all color and format sequences will be ignored if it is set, however cursor escapes and explicitly constructed escape sequences (ala seq()) will not be suppressed.

from ansilog import *
print('Welcome to the ', bright('U'), fg.white('S'),'A')), '!', sep = '')

For more precise control, you can output the colors and attributes directly as well, but you must remember to reset afterwards.

from ansilog import *
print('Welcome to the ', bright,, 'U', fg.white, 'S',, 'A', reset, '!', sep = '')


ANSIlog is released under a 3 clause BSD license. See LICENSE for more details.