AoM platform sdk

pip install aom-sdk==0.0.17


Cogment Framework

The Cogment framework is a high-efficiency, open source framework designed to enable the training of models in environments where humans and agents interact with the environment and each other continuously. It’s capable of distributed, multi-agent, multi-model training.


To start using the Cogment Framework

Glossary and first steps

Before diving right in, we recommend taking the time to read our glossary, which details the terminology we use for several critical concepts of the Cogment Framework. You can also find how to install the framework in our documentation. Last but not least, a tutorial is available.

Rebuilding protocol buffers

Simply running make protos should take care of everything.

Running tests of Python SDK

cd sdk_python
docker run --rm -v ${PWD}:/app sdk_py:latest python -m pytest

Using cogment-cli

Cogment-cli is provided as a docker image. We recommend to create an alias on your system. If you want to have a persistent alias add it to your ~/.bashrc

docker pull
alias cogment-cli='docker run -u ${UID}:${UID} -ti -v ${PWD}:/app'

To start developing for the Cogment Framework

Contributions are welcome!

Please read how to contribute which will guide you through the entire workflow of how to build the source code, how to run the tests, and how to contribute changes to the Cogment codebase. The "How to contribute" document also contains info on how the contribution process works and contains best practices for creating contributions.


About this repository

This repository contains the source code for the Cogment Framework. (Add details on organization etc.)

It will create a bootstrapped project that employs the python SDK for all pieces of the project. Whenever you make changes to cogment.yaml, or the .proto files, you can regenerate the auto-generated code using: