
This package helps to reduce the amount of boilerplate code when creating Airflow DAGs from Python callables.

airflow-dags, apache-airflow
pip install apache-airflow-flowitems==1.0.2


PyPI version pipeline coverage


This project helps to reduce the amount of boilerplate code when writing Airflow DAGs with lots of Python callables.

For example, consider the following DAG:

graph LR;

From the following Python callables, there are multiple ways to create the above DAG. But what if weather_reports.py is owned by another project, so we can't @task decorate it?

# file: weather_reports.py
def get_city():
    return "London"

def get_temperature(city):
    return {
        "London": 10,
        "Paris": 15,

# file: airflow_weather.py
def get_runid(context, **kwargs):
    kwargs.setdefault("city", "London")
    dagrun = context["run_id"]
    return f"{city}_{dagrun}"

def summarize(runid, temperature):
    return {
        "report_id": runid,
        "text": f"The temperature in {city} is {temperature} °C.",

With apache-airflow-flowitems, the DAG definition can be very concise:

from apache_airflow_flowitems import PythonItem
import weather_airflow as gluecode
import weather_reports as external

with airflow.DAG(...):
    t_ready = BashOperator(bash_command="...", task_id="all_ready")
    # Upstream dependencies can be passed as 👇 args
    t_city = PythonItem(external.get_city, t_ready)()
    # Function parameters must be passed as kwargs 👇
    t_temp = PythonItem(external.get_temperature, city=t_city)(task_id="temp_London")

    t_id = PythonItem(gluecode.get_runid)()
    t_summary = PythonItem(gluecode.summarize, runid=t_id, temperature=t_temp)

For comparison, the 2nd task manually wrapped in a @task decorator would look like this:

    t_temp = task(task_id="temp_London")(external.get_temperature)(city=t_city.output)
    t_ready >> t_temp

Okay, it's not that much shorter, but FlowItems can do more cool stuff:

  • Inputs can be XComArg or Operator, whereas the @task decorator only supports Operator
  • If the callable passed to a PythonItem has a context argument, the Airflow context dict will be passed. In contrast to @task, this means that the function may ALSO take **kwargs.

But in the end this is, of course, just a slightly different syntax for writing DAGs.

I'm open-sourcing this package mostly to make it easier for myself to use it in different projects.


pip install apache_airflow_flowitems


First make sure that you can run the tests:

pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
pytest --cov=./apache_airflow_flowitems --cov-report xml --cov-report term-missing .

Also set up pre-commit for automated code style enforcement:

pip install pre-commit
pre-commit install