
Python package to list and download all original images from Flickr Apollo Archive

flickr, nasa, apollo, api, image, archive, flickr-api, python
pip install apollo-archive==1.0


Flickr Apollo Archive

Build Coverage PyPI Status Version Python License Tutorial

Python package to list and download all original images from Flickr Apollo Archive.


Project Apollo Archive / Apollo 11 Magazine 40/S (v1 / levels-adj) / AS11-40-5949


With pip:

$ pip install apollo-archive

With the source files:

$ git clone https://github.com/seignovert/python-flickr-apollo-archive.git apollo-archive
$ cd apollo-archive ; python setup.py install


You need FlickrAPI key and secret tokens. They can be generated here.

Use the prompt input to init the key variables on the first load of the module:

Warning: Some environnement variables are missing.
> Go to https://www.flickr.com/services/api/keys/ to setup your keys.
FLICKR_API_KEY: 1234567890

or you can set then globally:

$ export FLICKR_API_KEY=1234567890

Python usage

Query Flickr API:

>>> from apolloarchive import User

>>> user = User()
Flickr User: Apollo Image Gallery (136485307@N06) | 107 albums

>>> albums = user.albums
    Album: "Announcements" (3 photos),
    Album: "Apollo 7 Magazine 3/M" (46 photos),
    Album: "Apollo 7 Magazine 4/N" (55 photos),
    Album: "Apollo 17 Magazine 163/TT" (72 photos)

>>> albums[0].slug

>>> albums[0].photos
    Photo: "(also) Follow Project Apollo Archive on Facebook",
    Photo: "About the Project Apollo Archive Flickr Gallery",
    Photo: "The Project Apollo Archive is best experienced in the "Albums" view"

>>> albums[0].photos[0].url

>>> albums[0].photos[0].filename

Sync Flickr photosets:

>>> from apolloarchive import sync

>>> sync(album=0, ncpu=4, overwrite=True)
Sync Announcements: 100%|█████████████████████████| 3/3 [00:00<00:00,  3.89it/s]
> Download: Also-follow-project-apollo-archive-on-facebook
> Download: About-the-project-apollo-archive-flickr-gallery
> Download: The-project-apollo-archive-is-best-experienced-in-the-albums-view

CLI usage

Sync Flickr photosets:

$ apollo-archive --help
usage: apollo-archive [-h] [--user-id USER_ID] [--username USERNAME]
                      [--album ALBUM] [--ncpu NCPU] [--overwrite]

Sync Flickr folder(s)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help                       show this help message and exit
  --user-id USER_ID, -i USER_ID    User ID
  --username USERNAME, -u USERNAME Username
  --album ALBUM, -a ALBUM          Album number to sync
  --ncpu NCPU, -n NCPU             Number of thread during for download
  --overwrite, -o                  Re-download all

$ apollo-archive --album 0 --ncpu 4 --overwrite
Sync Announcements: 100%|█████████████████████████| 3/3 [00:00<00:00,  3.89it/s]
> Download: Also-follow-project-apollo-archive-on-facebook
> Download: About-the-project-apollo-archive-flickr-gallery
> Download: The-project-apollo-archive-is-best-experienced-in-the-albums-view


The complete archive is very large (~62 Gb).


  • flickrapi
  • python-slugify
  • wget
  • tqdm
  • argparse


This project is not supported or endorsed by either JPL or NASA. The code is provided "as is", use at your own risk.