
Example library for scientific software.

pip install app-lib-py==0.0.12



This template is a suggestion of good practice for a scientific python library that includes continuous integration and conntinuous development and continuous documentation. The application is demonstrated though streamlist which is deployed with continuous deployment, and also made a available via pypi as a python library with pip install

The single github repo contains 2 seperate software artefacts, a python library that can be installed and used by others, and a streamlit web application that demonstreates the library and provides a simple usage. Additionally there is a docker file which allows the upload of a docker image to dockerhub for a middle use of locally hosted web application.

To use this library yourself, use the "Template" button as described below.

1. Create a template for yourself

2. Change the name (search on app-lib-py or app_lib_py)

  • in the yml files in pydoctor line 24
  • docker yml line 26
  • pypi yml line 43

2. Setup development environments

See dev environments

3. Setup precommit hooks Run it to check pre-commit run --all-files ruff --target-version=py311 --line-length 88 . --fix black ./ --check --line-length 88 --diff

4. Change the tokens, get all workflows in github actions working

pydoctor --make-html --html-output=./docs/api lib/src/app_lib_py --theme readthedocs

5. Test driven development, design the functionality

6. Implement

7. Distribute and deploy

7a. Pypi

Tokens are needed from pypi and from github. Follow these instructions: pypi gha

To release to pypi you need to either:

  • Create a release in github, the tag will be the version number of the library
  • Or if it is only a minor incremebt, you can run the workflow in Actions Create a new patch release. This will increment the minor version and release.

7b. Streamlit

Streamlit will be automatically deployed when the main branch is updated after the link with streamlit is made.

  1. Create an account with streamlit io
  2. Go to the deploy
  3. Choose your repo: RachelAlcraft/app-lib-py
  4. Choose Branch: Main
  5. Choose entry file: app/
  6. Amend the domain to your liking app-lib-py
  7. Press deploy

7c. Docker