
A faster spatial join/reverse geocoding algorithm

pip install appel-geocode==0.11.0


Project Title

APPEL: A faster spatial join/reverse geocoding threaded algorithm

Getting Started

Spatial joins are like common relational database joins, just for geographic data. In general, we have a set of coordinates and we want to know which point is in which polygon, this operation is described as reverse geocoding. The algorithm relies on standard Point-In-Polygon operations but tends to minimize then.

APPEL proposes a new way to spatial joins that promises to be faster than than trivial brute force and R-Tree implementation of PostGIS and GeoPandas. For a million points it takes about 14 seconds to finish locating, while PostGIS takes about 7 minutes and GeoPandas takes 1 minutes and 7 seconds. All on the same machine.

To do so, the polygons to be searched are organized through a tree. The tree levels are predefined based on states, mesoregions, microregions and municipalities. In addition, it is considered that the geographic points provided by users are more likely to be located in more populated regions. Therefore, these areas are sorted to be the first to be found at each level of the tree.

Currently, the systems works only for Brazil territory and locates the cities of each point. But it's principle is extensible for any geographical region. You'll need just a shapefile (or equivalent) with each region and subregions population to build the data structure.

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


Python 3.6


A step by step series of examples that tell you how to get a development env running Just use pip.

pip install appel

By default, it comes with a tree for Brazil's regions.

To use, you must input the longitude and latitudes in the query function:

from numpy import array

from appel.searchtree import SearchTree

search = SearchTree()

longitudes = array([2.748047, -20.890625], dtype='float32')
latitudes = array([-63.03125, -49.53125], dtype='float32')
results = search.query(longitudes, latitudes)

It will return a dataframe with latitudes longitudes and the city id.

Running the tests

Just run methods on the classes of test package.

Built With

  • GeoPandas - Essential for reading shapely files and build the search data structure.
  • Shapely - vectorized contains function is the core of the search algorithm.


Currently I don't have a fixed system. Use issues for critics, help or any question in general.



This project is licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License - see the file for details


Thanks PurpleBooth for this template.