Helper functions for reading configs, etc. from an installed Arduino directory.

pip install arduino_helpers==0.3


Arduino configuration classes

The arduino_helpers.context module provides several helper classes, which extract board and build configuration information from an Arduino installation directory.

>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> from arduino_helpers.context import ArduinoContext, Board, Uploader
>>> # In Ubuntu, the Arduino IDE is installed in `/usr/share/arduino`.
>>> context = ArduinoContext('/usr/share/arduino/')

There are several methods to query various information, parsed from the Arduino IDE configuration files. For example:

>>> context.
context.arduino_home_path              context.get_libraries_dir_by_family
context.get_arduino_dir_root           context.get_platform_config_by_family
context.get_board_data_by_family       context.get_tools_dir_by_family
context.get_board_names_by_family      context.get_tools_dir_root
context.get_bootloaders_dir_by_family  context.get_variants_dir_by_family
context.get_compiler_dir_by_family     context.pre_15
context.get_cores_dir_by_family        context.runtime_config

Now, let's print the list of available avr-based Arduino boards (in Arduino versions <1.5, avr is the only board family):

>>> pprint(context.get_board_names_by_family()['avr'])

Given an Arduino IDE context, we can create a board context, which provides an API to query configuration details corresponding to a particular board. For example, let's query the configuration of the uno board:

>>> board = Board(context, 'uno')
>>> board.mcu

Given our board context, we can create an uploader context, which provides an API to query the uploader configuration for our board. For example:

>>> uploader = Uploader(board)
>>> uploader.speed
>>> uploader.conf_path
>>> uploader.protocol
>>> uploader.maximum_size

The uploader context provides a flags attribute, which returns a dictionary containing the appropriate avrdude configuration flags for uploading.

>>> pprint(uploader.flags.items())
[('-C', path('/usr/share/arduino/hardware/tools/avrdude.conf')),
 ('-c', 'arduino'),
 ('-p', 'atmega328p'),
 ('-b', 115200)]

The flags can be used with the upload_tool and tools_dir to find the avrdude path to form a command.

>>> uploader.upload_tool
>>> uploader.tools_dir

Note that we can reference any board included in the Arduino IDE configuration files. For example, let's look-up the configuration for the mega2560 board:

>>> board = Board(context, 'mega2560')
>>> board.mcu
>>> uploader = Uploader(board)
>>> pprint(uploader.flags.items())
[('-C', path('/usr/share/arduino/hardware/tools/avrdude.conf')),
 ('-c', 'wiring'),
 ('-p', 'atmega2560'),
 ('-b', 115200)]

Note that the uploader flags now reflect the correct options for the mega2560.

Board configurations

The arduino_helpers.hardware.boards module provides functions for extracting board configurations from an Arduino installation directory.

Example usage:

>>> from arduino_helpers.hardware.boards import get_board_data_by_family
>>> board_configs_by_family = get_board_data_by_family('~/local/opt/arduino-1.5.4')
>>> board_configs_by_family.keys()
['avr', 'sam']
>>> board_configs_by_family['avr'].keys()[:5]
['mini', 'nano', 'mega', 'micro', 'LilyPadUSB']
>>> board_configs_by_family['avr']['uno'].keys()
['name', 'vid', 'pid', 'upload', 'build', 'bootloader']
>>> board_configs_by_family['avr']['uno']['name']
'Arduino Uno'
>>> board_configs_by_family['avr']['uno']['bootloader']
{'extended_fuses': '0x05', 'high_fuses': '0xDE', 'low_fuses': '0xFF',
 'lock_bits': '0x0F', 'tool': 'avrdude',
 'file': 'optiboot/optiboot_atmega328.hex', 'unlock_bits': '0x3F'}
>>> board_configs_by_family['avr']['uno']['build']
{'core': 'arduino', 'mcu': 'atmega328p', 'f_cpu': '16000000L',
 'board': 'AVR_UNO', 'variant': 'standard'}


The arduino_helpers.hardware.boards module is confirmed compatible with Arduino versions 1.0 and 1.5, but should also work with older Arduino versions.


Copyright Christian Fobel 2013.