
A package meant to train mental math and basic arithmetic

python, package, build, tutorial
pip install arithmeticTrainer==0.0.1


Python arithmetic trainer

Python Package Arithmetic Trainer

This package allows users to test their basic arithmetic and mental math skills.


add(a, b)

The add function takes in two numbers (a, b) and returns the sum.

from team1ArithmeticTrainer import functions
functions.add(5, 10)

subtract(a, b)

The subtract function takes in two numbers (a, b) and returns the difference.

from team1ArithmeticTrainer import functions
functions.subtract(10, 5)

multiply(a, b)

The multiply function takes in two numbers (a, b) and returns the product.

from team1ArithmeticTrainer import functions
functions.multiply(10, 5)

divide(a, b)

The divide function takes in two numbers (a, b) and returns the quotient.

from team1ArithmeticTrainer import functions
functions.divide(10, 5)


The sqr_root function takes in one number (a) and returns the square root.

from team1ArithmeticTrainer import functions


The cube_root function takes in one number (a) and returns the cube root.

from team1ArithmeticTrainer import functions

modulus(a, b)

The modulus function takes in two numbers (a, b) and returns the remainder.

from team1ArithmeticTrainer import functions
functions.modulus(27, 5)


The checkPerfectSquare function takes in one number (num) and checks if it is a perfect square.

from team1ArithmeticTrainer import functions


The checkPerfectCube function takes in one number (num) and checks if it is a perfect cube.

from team1ArithmeticTrainer import functions


The generate_question function generates a random arithmetic question choosing either an addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, sqr root, modulus, or cube root problem.

from team1ArithmeticTrainer import functions

print_prompt(question, a, b)

The print_prompt function takes three parameters (question, a, b) and prompts the user to answer an arithmetic problem.

from team1ArithmeticTrainer import functions
functions.print_prompt(add, 5, 10)

Program utilizing all functions (Note some of the above functions are auxiliary functions)

How to install and use this package

Try installing and using our package in a separate Python project:

  1. Create a pipenv-managed virtual environment and install the latest version of our package: pipenv install -i (Note that if you've previously created a pipenv virtual environment in the same directory, you may have to delete the old one first. Find out where it is located with the pipenv --venv command.)
  2. Activate the virtual environment: pipenv shell.
  3. Navigate to the team1ArithmeticTrainer directory cd team1ArithmeticTrainer and run the program from the command line: python3
  4. Exit the virtual environment: exit.

Try running the package directly:

  1. Create and activate up the pipenv virtual environment as before.
  2. Navigate to the src directory cd src and run the package directly from the command line: python3 -m team1ArithmeticTrainer. This should run the code in the file.
  3. Exit the virtual environment.

How to run unit tests

Simple example unit tests are included within the tests directory. To run these tests...

  1. Install pytest in a virtual environment.
  2. Run the tests from the main project directory: python3 -m pytest.
  3. Tests should never fail. Any failed tests indicate that the production code is behaving differently from the behavior the tests expect.

Pro tip

While working on the package code, and verifying it behaves as expected, it can be helpful to install the package in "editable" mode so that changes to the package are immediately updated in the virtual environment.

  • To do this, run pipenv install -e . from the main project directory.

Team Members

Kevin Gong

Dixit Timilsina

James Liu

Link to Package on PyPi

Arithmetic Trainer