
Extra for ArsenalQA package

pip install arsenalqa-http==2020.0.5


Quick start

ArsenalQA is a framework that helps to abstract QA functional tests from developers realisation in ORM style.

Model your data - Models help you to change and test your data faster.

Make you transports abstract - it helps you to add them on the fly.

Make relations between models by transports or other models - it helps your colleagues to understand your code easily.

Why not django, graphql, etc?

Because all of this instruments are created for developers. Developers code works in the middle of project logic, between two endpoints: users and database(for example), and are adapted for using strong interaction protocols, whereas QA need more flexible and comfortable behavior.


$ pip install arsenalqa[http]

Lets make our first example with Post model:

from arsenalqa.fields import Field
from arsenalqa.models import Model
from arsenalqa.transports.managers import TransportManager
from arsenalqa.transports.http import Http

class Post(Model):

    http: Http = TransportManager(Http, url='{id}')

    id = Field()
    user_id = Field(name='userId')
    title = Field()
    body = Field()

Our entity was created.

Now you can:

print(Post.http.get())  # get list of posts models

my_model = Post()  # new instance of my model = 1
response_model = my_model.http.get()  # get single instance from web
print(response_model)  # model from web
print( ==

# Lets fill new instance of our model and post it to the web
new_model = Post()
new_model.title = 'My new title'
new_model.body = 'My new Post body'

new_created_model =  # Send via http POST method
print(new_created_model)  # Response wrapped in new model. Has filled field id.
print(new_model == new_created_model)  # False because, response model contains only id field.

# Lets get list of posts from web, and filter it by user

# Lets get list of posts from web, and filter single unique model by id
first_post = Post.http.get().unique_by_attrs(id=1)

# Lets request again from response model, and get title attribute from response model

Congrats! Now you can start learning this framework. More docs page!