ASO automation software tool on Google Play. Trend analysis, keyword popularity analysis and evaluation, competitor app analysis and keyword parsing.

ASO, tools, Google, Play, app, store, optimization, intelligence, ranking, market, analysis, mobile, apps, marketing
pip install asolytics==1.2.2


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Asolytics is an open source tool for ASO

Instructions for installing and using the software
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Table of Contents
  1. About The Project
  2. Getting Started
  3. Usage
  4. Roadmap
  5. Contributing
  6. License
  7. Contact
  8. Acknowledgments

About The Project

Asolytics ASO Tool Screen Shot

In the world there are many ASO services which solve different tasks related to search engine optimization in mobile app stores. All of them have advantages and disadvantages, one of the main drawbacks is closed algorithms for data analysis, ASO specialist has no access to raw data, in most services is unknown how the popularity of keywords is formed, there is no way to check the correctness of the algorithm, and therefore difficult to trust the data and make serious conclusions.

We want to create an open source service for ASO experts, so that each user could have full access to all data and algorithms, could offer their own functions or add their own code. This promotes the ASO community and improves the professionalism of specialists. 

Here's why:

  • Your time should be focused on creating something amazing. A project that solves a problem and helps others;
  • You should always have a wealth of information to make decisions;
  • You should always be able to check the source of the data and the algorithm for calculating it;

Of course, no one software will fit all tasks related to ASO, because your needs may be different. So I will add more functions in the near future. You may also suggest changes by forking this repo and creating a pull request or opening an issue.

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Built With

All major frameworks/libraries and software that the project uses during installation and operation. This list may be updated periodically

  • firefox Just a lightning fast browser
  • Python Python is a programming language that lets you work quickly and integrate systems more effectively
  • Selenium Automates browsers
  • Yake Unsupervised Approach for Automatic Keyword Extraction using Text Features.
  • PrettyTable A simple Python library for easily displaying tabular data in a visually appealing ASCII table format
  • Argparse Parser for command-line options, arguments and sub-commands

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Getting Started

To install and run your local copy of the software, follow these simple steps.


To use Asolytics, you need to install the scarce components and software

  • Install or update the Firefox browser on your computer (Download Firefox)
  • Install Python3 on your computer. On some systems it is installed by default (Download Python)

Installation Asolytics

To install Asolytics, open a terminal and run the following command.

Installation is from the PyPi repository

pip3 install asolytics


pip install asolytics

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  1. To view a list of available Asolytics software features, use the --help key 
asolytics --help

Asolytics ASO Tool Help

  1. To specify a country code and language, use the --gl and --hl keys. To specify the country, use the two-character ISO country code. To specify the language code, use the code from this table. Example: --gl AU --hl en (country: Australia, language: English)

  2. To start the Google Play suggest parsing function, use the --key. Specify a search keyword as the parameter, the software will analyze the suggests and generate a table with all the derived keywords. The table will calculate the relative popularity of each derived keyword. To specify the country and language, use the --gl and --hl keys.

asolytics --key workout --gl AU --hl en

Asolytics ASO suggest parsing

  1. To identify the most popular keywords on Google Play, use the parameter --trends. To specify country and language, use --gl and --hl parameters. The table will display the trending search terms and their relative popularity
asolytics --trends --gl AU --hl en

Asolytics ASO Google Play trends

  1. You can get a lot of additional information about your competitors on Google Play by using the --average option with the bundle ID of the app you want to analyze.
asolytics --average com.moymer.falou --gl AU

You will get the following data:

  • The total number of ratings on Google Play;
  • The number of installations in Google Play;
  • Average number of installations of the app per day;
  • Average number of ratings per day;
  • Revenue of the app for the last month;
  • Countries from which the app gets the most traffic;
  • The country of the app's origin;

Asolytics ASO app analysis

  1. The software allows you to track an app's position in a Google Play search using specified keywords. To run this function, use the --tracker key. The keywords are passed as a parameter, with a semicolon (example 'workout at home;fitness;fitness plans'). In addition, keywords can be loaded from a file, to do this, use key --file, at that the path to the file with the keywords should be passed as a parameter --tracker. As the --id parameter, pass the bundleID of the app whose positions you want to track To specify the country and language, use the --gl and --hl keys.
asolytics --tracker 'workout at home;fitness;fitness plans' --id --gl US --hl en 

Asolytics ASO tracker keywords

Use this command to load keywords from a file

asolytics --tracker '/path/keywords.txt' --file --id --gl US --hl en 

In the keywords.txt file each keyword must be on a new line.
Example of file content
workout at home
fitness plans

  1. You can extract keywords which are used in the metadata of any app. To do this you need to use the --extract key and pass the bundleID of the app you want to analyze as a parameter. Asolytics will use artificial intelligence to recognize keywords in the app title, short description, full description and user reviews. In the table will be displayed the position of the app in the Google Play search for all the keywords found. To specify country and language use --gl and --hl keys
asolytics --extract --gl US --hl en 

Asolytics ASO extract keywords

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  • Make instructions for use
  • Suggest parser
  • Trend analysis on Google Play
  • App info
    • Tracking app positions in categories
  • Tracking positions in Google Play searches
  • Extracting keywords from app metadata using artificial intelligence
  • Add multilingual localization of the software
  • Website
    • Make graphics for website
    • Translate website into English

See the open issues for a full list of proposed features (and known issues).

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Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.

If you have a suggestion that would make this better, please fork the repo and create a pull request. You can also simply open an issue with the tag "enhancement". Don't forget to give the project a star! Thanks again!

  1. Fork the Project
  2. Create your Feature Branch
  3. Commit your Changes
  4. Push to the Branch
  5. Open a Pull Request

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Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for more information.

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Website -

Telegram Channels: @asolytics

Telegram Chat: @asolytics_chat

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If you are new to ASO you should read the following materials. These links should be useful to you

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