
Wordcloud tools for the ASReview project

asreview, wordcloud, systematic-literature-reviews, systematic-reviews, utrecht-university
pip install asreview-wordcloud==0.3



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This is a wordcloud supplemental package for the ASReview software. It is an easy way to create a visual impression of the contents of datasets.


The easiest way to install the wordcloud extension is to install from PyPI:

pip install asreview-wordcloud

After installation of the wordcloud extension, asreview should automatically detect it. Test this by:

asreview --help

It should list the 'wordcloud' modus.

Basic usage

The dataset should contain a column containing titles and/or abstracts. For specific requirements check the ASReview documentation. To use your data use:

asreview wordcloud MY_DATA.csv

The following shows the Schoot et al. (2017) dataset:

All texts

To make a wordcloud on titles only, use the title flag.

asreview wordcloud MY_DATA.csv --title

Titles only

To make a wordcloud on abstracts only, use the abstract flag.

asreview wordcloud MY_DATA.csv --abstract

Abstracts only

To make a wordcloud on relevant (inclusions) only, use the relevant flag.

asreview wordcloud MY_DATA.csv --relevant

Save figure

Save the wordcloud to a file with the -o flag.

asreview wordcloud MY_DATA.csv -o MY_DATA_WORDCLOUD.png


This extension is MIT licensed.