
A tool assignate students to timeslots.

pip install assignator==0.1


A tool for automatic assignments of students to timeslot.


  • From pypi:

    pip install assignator
  • Dev version:

    git clone
    cd assignator/
    pip install -e .

Python module

assignments(bmat, order=1, ntry=10)

Make assignments between rows and columns.

    The objective is to have assigments following the following conditions:
     - all association are allowed in bmat,
     - each row is associated with a unique column,
     - each column is associated with a unique row,
     - all rows are associated.

    A classical use case is to assign students to defense schedule.

    bmat : array of bool or int
        Binary matrix indicating which assignments are allowed.
    order : int, optional
        Order of the greedy search. Default: 1. A higher oreder can be used for
        small dataset if a solution can not be found with oreder 1.
    ntry : int
        Number of random tries to use to solve the assignments problem.

        Attributes are:
          - ``best_assignments`` contains the assigments that solve the problem
            or aith the higher number of associated rows.
          - ``not_assigned_rows`` contains the indexes of not assignated rows in
            the ``best_assignments`` (empty if the problem is solved)
          - ``problematic_rows`` contains tuples of problematics rows indexes
            and scores. A higher score indicating a row is problematic for the
            assignement problem.

Cli usage

usage: assignator [-h] [-e TIMESLOT_FILE] [-o OUTPUT_FILE] [-t TIMESLOT_FILE]
                  [-g GROUPS_FILE]

A tool to assign students to time slots.

With allowed assignments provided in a csv (e.g. from a survey),
provide a acceptable solution.

positional arguments:
  INPUT_FILE            Input CSV file with headers. Encoding and CSV dialect
                        are autodetected. This file must contain a header. The
                        firsts columns contains a student identifier (e.g. the
                        name or the name and the email address). Following
                        columns are timeslots. the column name must identify
                        the timeslot and therefore must be unique.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -e TIMESLOT_FILE, --export-timeslots TIMESLOT_FILE
                        Export in TIMESLOT_FILE all timeslots from the input
                        Output CSV file where to write assignments. The
                        encoding and CSV dialect is the same than the input.
                        Restrict allowed timeslots to timeslots provided in
                        TIMESLOT_FILE. All line beginning with a '#' is
                        ignored. See -e to generate a version of this file. If
                        not provided, all timeslots are allowed.
                        Students are in groups, and the assignments must be
                        done by groups. The GROUPS_FILE must be a CSV with a
                        header and two columns, the first must be a column
                        identifying the student and must have exactly the same
                        name than one of the columns provided in the
                        INPUT_FILE, and values must corresponds (order or rows
                        doesn't matter), and the second column must be a group
                        identifier (whatever its name). If more than one
                        student answer for a group, the intersection is made
                        to build allowed timeslots for the group.

Workflow example:
  - Give a survey to your students providing a little bit more time
    slots than student number. Export the survey result in CSV.
  - To have a fist allocation, run the command:
      assignator survey.csv -o output.csv
    If you have not assigned students, contact all the students
    marked as problematic (not only the not assigned) to extend
    their choices. Once a allocation can be made go to next step.
  - If you have more time slots than student, you can try to choice
    the time slot you want to free.
     1. First, export the timeslot list from the csv:
         assignator survey.csv -e timeslots.txt
     2. Edit the timeslots file, adding a '#' in the begining of the
        timeslots you want to free.
     3. Run the command with the timeslots
         assignator -t timeslots.txt survey.csv -o output.csv