
Speed up Python code that has well layed out type hints (works by converting the function to typed cython). Find more info at

pip install autocompile==0.1.1



TLDR; Speed up Python code that is marked with type hints (by converting it to Cython)

This is a package born slightly out of surprise when I found out that type hints don't speed up Python code at all, when all the information is there to be able to speed it up. So I decided to write this short package, that analyzes the code of any function marked with @autocompile and converts it into a Cython inline function. For example,

def do_maths(x: float):
    i: int
    for i in range(10000000):
        x += (i + x) ** 0.1
    return x

will be converted to:

def do_maths(double x):
    cdef long i  
    for i in range(10000000):
        x += (i + x) ** 0.1
    return x


@autocompile has the following arguments:

    mode: "inline" or "file", type: str, default: "inline"
        "inline": uses Cython inline as a backend, works with all imported libraries
        "file": moves code to a tmp file and cythonizes it using subprocess, doesn't work with any imported libraries
    infer_types: True or False, type: Bool, default: False
        Enable Cython infer type option
    checks_on: True or False, type: Bool, default: False
        Enable Cython boundary and wrapping checking
    required_imports: {} or globals(), type: Dict, default: {}
        This is required for access to the globals of the calling module. As Python in its infinite wisdom doesn't allow
        access without explicitly passing them.
            def foo(bar: int):
                x = np.arange(bar)
                return x
        Without passing globals, Cython inline conversion will error, as it doesn't know what np (numpy) is.
    debug: True or False, type: Bool, default: False
        Shows the created function code to be used in place of the original
    force_memview: True or False, type: Bool, default: False (currently disabled)
        Forces all declared numpy arrays to be treated at cython memview. Can be unsafe, as addition of memviews
        in cython is not supported while for numpy arrays it is.


Here are a few benchmarks of speed improvements (all code is in tests folder):

maths_py took: 1.263 seconds
maths_nb took: 0.498 seconds
func_cy took: 2.489 seconds
maths_ac took: 0.486 seconds

lists_py took: 0.091 seconds
lists_nb took: 0.042 seconds
func_cy took: 0.049 seconds
lists_ac took: 0.053 seconds

mixed_py took: 0.513 seconds
mixed_nb took: 0.292 seconds
func_cy took: 0.199 seconds
mixed_ac took: 0.064 seconds

np_array_in_body_py took: 0.494 seconds
np_array_in_body_nb took: 0.017 seconds
func_cy took: 0.45 seconds
np_array_in_body_ac took: 0.467 seconds

np_array_in_args_py took: 0.443 seconds
np_array_in_args_nb took: 0.011 seconds
np_array_in_args_np took: 0.01 seconds
np_array_in_args_ac took: 0.016 seconds

string_py took: 0.049 seconds
string_nb took: 0.795 seconds
func_cy took: 0.721 seconds
string_ac took: 0.038 seconds


  • The test_strings is using cython version 3.0a6, using <3.0 yields results similar to numba.
  • This is using cython.compile, to compare against, as it is the closest function to autocompile (ac).

As can be seen, ac is best at a mixture of base Python types, lists, dicts, numbers. It offers selective speed up for arrays at the moment (via numpy array inputs as arguments)

Potential improvements:

  • Add support for return types (relatively straightforward)
  • Add a backend like Nim or Julia (a lot of work)