
AutoTor is a simple package to make requests through Tor. It allows automation, easy Tor circuit renewal and customisation of the requests in a threaded way.

pip install autotor==1.0.0



Contributors Forks Stars Issues MIT License

Table of Contents
  1. About the Project
  2. Getting Started
  3. Contributing

About the Project

Simple package to make requests throughout Tor in an automated way and with circuit renewal. At the moment, AutoTor is not OS-agnostic as it is tailored to Windows.


The most important source code elements in the project are outlined and described as follows:

  • Implements an example of how the library should be used.
  • AutoTor module:
    • Implements a class that takes care of all the logic to automate Tor download, Tor configuration, Tor initialisation, getting request sessions, Tor circuit renewal and releasing Tor resources.
    • Implements an example class to override the request function that actually takes care of the requests. In this case, the function tries to get the IP in use by Tor.

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Among others, the project has been built around the following Python libraries:

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Getting Started


Option 1 -

To install with pip by using the, one should just follow two steps:

  1. Clone the project:
  git clone
  1. Run the following command to install the dependencies and AutoTor:
  pip install .

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Option 2 - PyPI

Installing AutoTor from PyPI is the simplest. It only requires the following command:

  pip install autotor

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Create your class

The main class of the package is TorRequests. It is a class with an abstract method request that should be implemented in any derived class to customise the request as desired by the user. Below is the metacode for a sample implementation

from autotor import TorRequests

class MyClass(TorRequests):

    # Override the initialisation function (if needed)
    def __init__(self, tor_root = "..", another_arg = 5):
        # Initialise superclass
        super(MyClass, self).__init__(tor_root = tor_root)
        # Initialise other parameters
        self.another_arg = another_arg

    # Override the request function and implement custom functionality
    def request(self):
        # Get Tor session
        session = self.get_tor_session()
        # Renew Tor circuit

        # Use the session to get information

Note: In order to make the requests with another IP and user-agent just get another session and call the renew method.

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Once one has implemented the request method in the derived class, it can be used within a with statement. Any opened resources will be automatically cleared upon exiting the statement.

# Use request within a with statement
with MyClass(tor_root = ".", another_arg = 20) as tor:

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Any contributions are greatly appreciated. If you have suggestions that would make the project any better, fork the repository and create a pull request or simply open an issue. If you decide to follow the first procedure, here is a reminder of the steps:

  1. Fork the project.
  2. Create your branch:
  git checkout -b branchname
  1. Commit your changes:
  git commit -m "Add some amazing feature"
  1. Push to the branch:
  git push origin branchname
  1. Open a pull request.

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If you like the project and/or any of its contents results useful to you, don't forget to give it a star in GitHub! It means a lot to me .