
Corpora downloader and reader for Spanish sources

pip install averell==1.0.2



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Averell, the python library and command line interface that facilitates working with existing repositories of annotated poetry. Averell is able to download an annotated corpus and reconcile different TEI entities to provide a unified JSON output at the desired granularity. That is, for their investigations some researchers might need the entire poem, poems split line by line, or even word by word if that is available. Averell allows to specify the granularity of the final generated dataset, which is a combined JSON with all the entities in the selected corpora. Each corpus in the catalog must specify the parser to produce the expected data format.

  • Free software: Apache Software License 2.0

Available corpora (version 1.1.0)

id name lang size docs words granularity license
1 Disco V2.1 (disco2_1) es 22M 4088 381539 stanza line CC-BY
2 Disco V3 (disco3) es 28M 4080 377978 stanza line CC-BY
3 Sonetos Siglo de Oro (adso) es 6.8M 5078 466012 stanza line CC-BY-NC 4.0
4 ADSO 100 poems corpus (adso100) es 128K 100 9208 stanza line CC-BY-NC 4.0
5 Poesía Lírica Castellana Siglo de Oro (plc) es 3.8M 475 299402 stanza line word syllable CC-BY-NC 4.0
6 Gongocorpus (gongo) es 9.2M 481 99079 stanza line word syllable CC-BY-NC-ND 3.0 FR
7 Eighteenth Century Poetry Archive (ecpa) en 2400M 3084 2063668 stanza line word CC BY-SA 4.0
8 For Better For Verse (4b4v) en 39.5M 103 41749 stanza line Unknown
9 Métrique en Ligne (mel) fr 183M 5081 1850222 stanza line Unknown
10 Biblioteca Italiana (bibit) it 242M 25341 7121246 stanza line word Unknown
11 Corpus of Czech Verse (czverse) cs 4100M 66428 12636867 stanza line word CC-BY-SA
12 Stichotheque (stichopt) pt 11.8M 1702 168411 stanza line Unkwown




To install averell, run this command in your terminal:

pip install averell

This is the preferred method to install averell, as it will always install the most recent stable release.

If you don't have pip installed, this Python installation guide can guide you through the process.


To show averell help:

averell --help

To list all available corpora:

averell list

Visualization example of one of the available corpora:

  id  name                 lang    size      docs    words  granularity    license
----  -------------------  ------  ------  ------  -------  -------------  -----------
   1  Disco V2.1           es      22M       4088   381539  stanza         CC-BY


Download desired corpora into "mycorpora" folder:

averell download 2 3 --corpora-folder my_corpora

Example of poem in TEI format obtained from one of the corpora:

<TEI xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0">
                <title> Spanish Metrical Patterns Bank: Golden Age Sonnets.</title>
                <principal>Borja Navarro Colorado</principal>
                    <name>María Ribes Lafoz</name>
                    <name>Noelia Sánchez López</name>
                    <name>Borja Navarro Colorado</name>
                    <resp>Metrical patterns annotation</resp>
                <publisher>Natural Language Processing Group. Department of Software and Computing Systems. University of Alicante (Spain)</publisher>
                <bibl><title>Sonetos</title> de <author>Garcilaso de La Vega</author>. <publisher>Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes</publisher>, edición de <editor role="editor">Ramón García González</editor>.</bibl>
            <metDecl xml:id="bncolorado" type="met" pattern="((\+|\-)+)*">
                <metSym value="+">stressed syllable</metSym>
                <metSym value="-">unstressed syllable</metSym>
                <p>All metrical patterns have been manually checked.</p>
            <lg type="cuarteto">
                <l n="1" met="-++--++--+-">Con tal fuerza y vigor son concertados</l>
                <l n="2" met="-----+-+-+-">para mi perdición los duros vientos,</l>
                <l n="3" met="--+--+---+-">que cortaron mis tiernos pensamientos</l>
                <l n="4" met="+----++--+-">luego que sobre mí fueron mostrados.</l>
            <lg type="terceto">
                <l n="5" met="-++--+---+-">El mal es que me quedan los cuidados</l>
                <l n="6" met="---+-----+-">en salvo de estos acontecimientos,</l>
                <l n="7" met="-++--+---+-">que son duros, y tienen fundamentos</l>

Generated example JSON file from input XML/TEI poem into my_corpora/{corpus}/averell/parser/{author_name}/{poem_name}.json

    "manually_checked": true,
    "poem_title": "-XX-",
    "author": "Garcilaso de La Vega",
    "stanzas": [
            "stanza_number": "1",
            "stanza_type": "cuarteto",
            "lines": [
                    "line_number": "1",
                    "line_text": "Con tal fuerza y vigor son concertados",
                    "metrical_pattern": "-++--++--+-"
                    "line_number": "2",
                    "line_text": "para mi perdición los duros vientos,",
                    "metrical_pattern": "-----+-+-+-"
                    "line_number": "3",
                    "line_text": "que cortaron mis tiernos pensamientos",
                    "metrical_pattern": "--+--+---+-"
                    "line_number": "4",
                    "line_text": "luego que sobre mí fueron mostrados.",
                    "metrical_pattern": "+----++--+-"
            "stanza_text": "Con tal fuerza y vigor son concertados\npara mi perdición los duros vientos,\nque cortaron mis tiernos pensamientos\nluego que sobre mí fueron mostrados."
            "stanza_number": "2",
            "stanza_type": "terceto",
            "lines": [
                    "line_number": "5",
                    "line_text": "El mal es que me quedan los cuidados",
                    "metrical_pattern": "-++--+---+-"
                    "line_number": "6",
                    "line_text": "en salvo de estos acontecimientos,",
                    "metrical_pattern": "---+-----+-"
                    "line_number": "7",
                    "line_text": "que son duros, y tienen fundamentos",
                    "metrical_pattern": "-++--+---+-"
            "stanza_text": "El mal es que me quedan los cuidados\nen salvo de estos acontecimientos,\nque son duros, y tienen fundamentos"


Now we can combine and join these corpora through "granularity" selection:

averell export 2 3 --granularity line --corpora-folder my_corpora --filename export_1

It produces an single JSON file with information about all the lines in those corpora. Example of two random lines in the file mycorpora/export_1.json:

    "line_number": "5",
    "line_text": "¿Has visto que en el mismo lugar donde",
    "metrical_pattern": "++---+--++-",
    "stanza_number": "2",
    "manually_checked": false,
    "poem_title": " - II - ",
    "author": "Mira de Amescua",
    "stanza_text": "¿Has visto que en el mismo lugar donde\nbordado estuvo el cristalino velo\nun bordado terliz de escarcha y hielo\nhace que el campo de verdor se monde?",
    "stanza_type": "cuarteto"
    "line_number": "10",
    "line_text": "el que a lo cierto no a lo incierto mira,",
    "metrical_pattern": "---+-+-+-+-",
    "stanza_number": "3",
    "manually_checked": false,
    "poem_title": "- VIII - Considerando un sepulcro y los que están en él ",
    "author": "Lope de Zarate",
    "stanza_text": "De aquí si que consigue el ser dichoso\nel que a lo cierto no a lo incierto mira,\npues le adorna lo eterno fastuoso;",
    "stanza_type": "terceto"

By default, export will download corpora if needed. To avoid this behaviour, the flag --no-download can be passed in.

Exported corpora can be easily loaded into Pandas

averell export adso100 --filename adso100.json
import pandas as pd

adso100 = pd.read_json(open("adso100.json"))

A note on IDS

IDS can be numeric identifiers in the averell list output, corpus shortcodes (shown between parenthesis), the speciall literal all to refer to all corpora, or two-letter ISO language codes to refer to avaliable corpora in a specific language.

For example, the command averell export 1 bibit fr will export DISCO V2.1, the Biblioteca Italiana poetry corpus, and all corpora tagged with the French languge tag in a single file spliting poems line by line.