
CLI to debug AWS instances

aws, boto3, ping, logs, processes, amazon, web, services, aws-cloudwatch, cloudwatch, metrics, python
pip install aws-instance-debugger==0.5.0


AWS Instance Debugger

Open source tool that generate a bunch more of CloudWatch metrics for your AWS instance. Mostly used in SolrCloud instances

Application Checklist

  • Sonar
  • Jenkins
  • Pypi


You will need to use an Python 2.7 interpreter.

The easiest route is to create an Virtualenv with

make virtualenv

This will install all dependencies from requirements.txt automagically.


Just import the project and set the python path to the previously created virtualenv (venv folder).

How to Run

This tool is a simle CLI. To check if everything is set up correctly, simply run it using the venv python:

./venv/bin/python vivareal/

Running into your IDE (debug)

Just open the module vivareal/ and run it directly from inside the IDE.

How to Test

make test

How to Deploy

This package should be installed inside the AMI that you need to monitor, using pip.

pip install aws_instance_debugger

After that, make this tool run at the AMI boot, using your preferred method. I prefer using supervisor.