
Making AWSM run management easier

pip install awsm-run-manager==0.2.5


AWSM Run Manager

AWSM run manager is designed to facilitate AWSM simulations from the command line with more complicated simulations involving multiple Docker images. Currently, awsm_run_manager only supports runs that use atmospheric model's as inputs, like the High Resolution Rapid Refresh, because the Wind is downscaled using Katana.


AWSM config file: An AWSM config file that covers the range of dates to be modeled with file paths pointing to those in the docker container.

Katana config file: A Katana config file that specifies run parameters for both Katana and WindNinja. See awsm_run_manager.katana_master_config.ini for options.

Output path: Path to the local (host) output directory to store the model outputs

Topo path: Path to the local (host) topo directory with the if using basin setup

Input path: Path to the local (host) input directory where the HRRR data resides.

Katana docker image: Can specify which Katana image to use, defaults to usdaarsnwrc/katana:0.3.1

AWSM docker image: Can specify which Katana image to use, defaults to usdaarsnwrc/awsm:0.10.0

Command Line Usage

AWSM run manager

The awsm_run_manager will run a full simulation for the time period specified.

Usage: awsm_run_manager [OPTIONS]

  Console script for awsm_run_manager.

  -a, --awsm_config_file TEXT    Path to the AWSM config file  [required]
  -k, --katana_config_file TEXT  Path to the Katana config file  [required]
  -o, --path_output TEXT         Path the local output directory.     Used to
                                 mount the data/output in the docker
  -t, --path_topo TEXT           Path to the local topo directory.     Used to
                                 mount the /data/output in the docker
  -i, --path_input TEXT          Path to the local input directory.     Used
                                 to mount /data/input in the docker
  --katana_image TEXT            docker image name and version for katana
  --awsm_image TEXT              docker image name and version for awsm
  --help                         Show this message and exit.