Python package to create/renew certificates using azure DNS and azure KeyVault

pip install azlet==0.9.0


azlet : Azure lets encrypt library

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  • azlet creates SSL certificates using letsencrypt and stores them in a key vault as certificate.
  • The keyvault then can be used by azure APIM, Functions or Webservices to consume the certificates.
  • You can create new certificates, or rotate existing certificates.
  • to use azlet, you need an azure key vault an an azure DNS.
  • azlet uses azure identity to access the key vault as well as the azure dns server. You can use your identity from azure cli, managed identity or enviromnent variables.
  • azlet creates an account with letsencrypt, making sure all requests come from the same account. The account is stored in the key vault as secret.
  • azlet uses the sewer library to create certificates.


the identity that uses azlet must have secret get/set permissions as well as certificate get/list/update/create/import permissions on the key vault.

create a new certificate:

python -m azlet create --keyvault-name my-vault --dns-zone --dns-subscription 11111111-1111-1111-1111-11111111111" --dns-resource-group dns --prefix test

create new certificates for all certificates that are valid less that 14 days:

python -m azlet rotate --keyvault-name my-vault --dns-zone --dns-subscription 11111111-1111-1111-1111-11111111111" --dns-resource-group dns

see python -m azlet -h fro a full list of commands.