
Microsoft Azure Machine Learning Python client library

pip install azureml==0.2.1


Microsoft Azure Machine Learning Python client library

The preview of Azure Machine Learning Python client library lets you access your Azure ML datasets from your local Python environment.

You can download datasets that are available in your ML workspace, or intermediate datasets from experiments that were run. You can upload new datasets and update existing datasets. The data is optionally converted to/from a Pandas DataFrame.

This is a technology preview. The APIs exposed by the library and the REST endpoints it connects to are subject to change.


The SDK has been tested with Python 2.7, 3.3 and 3.4.

It has a dependency on the following packages:

  • requests
  • python-dateutil
  • pandas

You can install it from PyPI:

pip install azureml


Note: We recommend that you use the Generate Data Access Code feature from Azure Machine Learning Studio in order to get Python code snippets that give you access to your datasets. The code snippets include your workspace id, authorization token, and other necessary identifiers to get to your datasets.

Accessing your workspace

You'll need to obtain your workspace id and token in order to get access to your workspace.

from azureml import Workspace

ws = Workspace(workspace_id='4c29e1adeba2e5a7cbeb0e4f4adfb4df',

If you're using AzureML in a region other than South Central US you'll also need to specify the endpoint:

from azureml import Workspace

ws = Workspace(workspace_id='4c29e1adeba2e5a7cbeb0e4f4adfb4df',

Specify workspace via config

If you don't want to store your access tokens in code you can also put them in a configuration file. The SDK will look for ~/.azureml/settings.ini and if available use that:


And then the workspace can be created without arguments:

from azureml import Workspace

ws = Workspace()

Accessing datasets

To enumerate all datasets in a given workspace:

for ds in ws.datasets:

Just the user-created datasets:

for ds in ws.user_datasets:

Just the example datasets:

for ds in ws.example_datasets:

You can access a dataset by name (which is case-sensitive):

ds = ws.datasets['my dataset name']

By index:

ds = ws.datasets[0]

Dataset metadata

Every dataset has metadata in addition to its content.

Some metadata values are assigned by the user at creation time:


Others are values assigned by Azure ML:


See the SourceDataset class for more on the available metadata.

Reading contents

You can import the dataset contents as a pandas DataFrame object. The data_type_id metadata on the dataset is used to determine how to import the contents.

frame = ds.to_dataframe()

If a dataset is in a format that cannot be deserialized to a pandas DataFrame, the dataset object will not have a to_dataframe method.

You can still read those datasets as text or binary, then parse the data manually.

Read the contents as text:

text_data = ds.read_as_text()

Read the contents as binary:

binary_data = ds.read_as_binary()

You can also just open a stream to the contents:

with as file:
    binary_data_chunk =

This gives you more control over the memory usage, as you can read and parse the data in chunks.

Accessing intermediate datasets

You can access the intermediate datasets at the output ports of the nodes in your experiments.

Note that the default binary serialization format (.dataset) for intermediate datasets is not supported. Make sure to use a Convert to TSV or Convert to CSV module and read the intermediate dataset from its output port.

First, get the experiment, using the experiment id:

experiment = ws.experiments['my experiment id']

Then get the intermediate dataset object:

ds = experiment.get_intermediate_dataset(
    port_name='Results dataset',

To determine the values to pass to get_intermediate_dataset, use the Generate Data Access Code command on the module output port in ML Studio.

You can then read the intermediate dataset contents just like you do for a regular dataset:

frame = ds.to_dataframe()

You can also use open, read_as_text and read_as_binary.

Note that intermediate datasets do not have any metadata available.

Creating a new dataset

After you've manipulated the data, you can upload it as a new dataset on Azure ML.

This will serialize the pandas DataFrame object to the format specified in the data_type_id parameter, then upload it to Azure ML.

dataset = workspace.datasets.add_from_dataframe(
    name='my new dataset',
    description='my description'

If you want to serialize the data yourself, you can upload the raw data. Note that you still have to indicate the format of the data.

raw_data = my_own_csv_serialization_function(frame)
dataset = workspace.datasets.add_from_raw_data(
    name='my new dataset',
    description='my description'

After it's added, it's immediately accessible from the datasets collection.

If you attempt to create a new dataset with a name that matches an existing dataset, an AzureMLConflictHttpError will be raised.

from azureml import AzureMLConflictHttpError

        name='not a unique name',
        description='my description'
except AzureMLConflictHttpError:
    print('Try again with a unique name!')

To update an existing dataset, you can use update_from_dataframe or update_from_raw_data:

name = 'my existing dataset'
dataset = workspace.datasets[name]


You can optionally change the name, description or the format of the data too:

name = 'my existing dataset'
dataset = workspace.datasets[name]

    name='my new name',
    description='my new description'

If you attempt to create a new dataset with an invalid name, or if Azure ML rejects the dataset for any other reason, an AzureMLHttpError will be raised. AzureMLHttpError is raised when the http status code indicates a failure. A detailed error message can displayed by printing the exception, and the HTTP status code is stored in the status_code field.

from azureml import AzureMLHttpError

        description='my description'
except AzureMLHttpError as error:

Services Usage

The services subpackage allows you to easily publish and consume AzureML Web Services. Currently only Python 2.7 is supported for services because the back end only has Python 2.7 installed.


Python functions can either be published using the @publish decorator or by calling the publish method directly. To publish a function using the decorator you can do:

@services.publish(workspace, workspace_token)
@services.types(a = float, b = float)
def func(a, b):
    return a / b

This publishes a function which takes two floating point values and divides them. Alternately you can publish a function by calling the publish method directly:

my_func = publish(my_func, workspace, workspace_token, files_list, endpoint=None)

If a function has no source file associated with it (for example, you're developing inside of a REPL environment) then the functions byte code is serialized. If the function refers to any global variables those will also be serialized using Pickle. In this mode all of the state which you're referring to needs to be already defined (e.g. your published function should come after any other functions you are calling).

If a function is saved on disk then the entire module the function is defined in will be serialized and re-executed on the server to get the function back. In this mode the entire contents of the file is serialized and the order of the function definitions don't matter.

After the function is published there will be a "service" property on the function. This object has several properties of interest:

Property Description
url this is the end point for executing the function
api_key this is the API key which is required to invoke the function
help_url this is a human readable page which describes the parameters and results of the function. It also includes sample code for executing it from various languages.
service_id this is a unique GUID identifying the service in your workspace. You can re-use this ID to update the service once it's published

You can specify a list of files which should be published along with the function. The resulting files will be stored in a subdirectory called 'Script Bundle'. The list of files can be one of:

Format Description
(('file1.txt', None), ) file is read from disk
(('file1.txt', b'contents'), ) file contents are provided
('file1.txt', 'file2.txt') files are read from disk, written with same filename
((('file1.txt', 'destname.txt'), None), ) file is read from disk, written with different destination name filenames.

The various formats for each filename can be freely mixed and matched. Files can also be attached using the @attach decoator:

 def f(x):

And this supports the same file formats as the list.

If you are using AzureML from a different geography (for example West Europe or East Asia) you'll need to specify the endpoint that you need to connect to. The end point is your region plus "", for example:


Existing services can be consumed using the service decorator. An empty function body is supplied and the resulting function becomes invokable and calls the published service:

@services.service(url, api_key)
@services.types(a = float, b = float)
def func(a, b):

Controlling publishing / consumption

There are several decorators which are used to control how the invocation occurs.


Specifies the types used for the arguments of a published or consumed service.

The type annotations are optional and are used for providing information which allows the service to interoperate with other languages. The type information will be seen on the help page of the published service. If the type information is not provided a Python specific format will be used and other languages may not be able to call the sevice.

Supported types are: int, bool, float, unicode.

When an unsupported type is specified the type will be serialized using an internal representation based upon Python's Pickle protocol. This will prevent the web service from being used with other languages.

When working with strings you need to use the unicode data type. This is because the string data type used for interop is actually a Unicode string and Python's "str" objects are actually byte arrays.



Specifies the return type for a published service.

Like the parameter types this is also optional, and when omitted an internal Python format will be used and interoperability with other languages may be reduced.

Supported types are: int, bool, float, unicode.

When an unsupported type is specified the type will be serialized using an internal representation based upon Python's Pickle protocol. This will prevent the web service from being used with other languages.

When working with strings you need to use the unicode data type. This is because the string data type used for interop is actually a Unicode string and Python's "str" objects are actually byte arrays.


Specifies the service ID for a service. When publishing to the same service ID the service is updated instead of having a new service created.


Specifies a friendly name for a service. By default the name is the function name, but this allows names with spaces or other characters which are not allowed in functions.

attach(name, contents)

Attaches a file to the payload to be uploaded.

If contents is omitted the file is read from disk. If name is a tuple it specifies the on-disk filename and the destination filename.


Indicates that the function operations on a data frame. The function will receive a single input in the form of a data frame, and should return a data frame object. The schema of the data frame is specified with this decorator.

@dataframe_service(a = int, b = int)
def myfunc(df):
    return pandas.DataFrame([df['a'][i] + df['b'][i] for i in range(df.shape[0])])

This code can then be invoked either with:

myfunc(1, 2)

or:[[1,2], [3,4]])


Specifies the name of the input the web service expects to receive. Defaults to 'input1' Currently this is only supported on consumption.


Specifies the name of the output the web service expects to receive. Defaults to 'output1'. Currently this is only supported on consumption.

Those include the types decorator for specifying the format of the inputs, the returns decorator for specifying the return value, the attach decorator for attaching files to a published function,