
RESTful API Helpers

pip install backplate==0.1.1


Backplate API

Create beautiful Flask-based, RESTful APIs with Backplate's API helper methods.

$ pip install backplate


  • Focus on creating app specific logic instead of API boilerplate.

  • Easily define nestable endpoints with endpoint generation helpers.

  • JSON mediatype response formatting by default.

  • Sleek error handling architecture for validation and exceptions.

  • Default data enveloping for data and error responses.

  • Seamless integration of authentication flows with backplate-auth.

  • Documentation

  • Example Project App (Source)


Creating a simple Flask-based API app prefixed with /v1.

  • Creates endpoints for me and item under the names /me and /items
  • Endpoints such as items can have:
    • indexController (/items) and,
    • childController (/items/:id).

from flask import Flask
from flask_restful import Resource
from backplate import create_api, Route

class Profile(Resource):
    # /v1/me
    def get(self):
        return {'id': 1}

class Items(Resource):
    # /v1/items
    def get(self):
        return [{'id': idx} for idx in range(0, 20)]

class Item(Resource):
    # /v1/items/:id
    def get(self, id):
        return {'id': id}

routes = [
    Route('me', '/me', Profile),
    Route('item', '/items', Items, Item)

app = create_api(__name__, routes=routes)

if __name__ == '__main__':

Error Handling

Passing errors parameter into create_api() enables for a consistent error handling experience.


from backplate import APIError, errordef

# ...
# define your error codes

errors = [
    errordef(ERR_TEAPOT, 418, 'I am a custom error.')

# ...
# define your api resources which raise errors

class Item(Resource):
    def get(self, id):
        # raise custom error
        raise APIError(ERR_TEAPOT, data={
            'fields': {'random': 'Incorrect anything.'}})

# ...
# create api with error definitions

app = create_api(..., errors=errors)

The APIError constructor takes code, and optional arguments status, and description.

The code argument is used to match an error created by errordef() in the errors array (which is converted into a dict/map internally), and then (using the pre-defined errors map as a fallback) generates and formats an appropriate error response with HTTP status code.

Raising an error like raise APIError(ERR_TEAPOT) will then be formatted and completed to use the fallback code and description values provided in the errors array that was passed to the create_api() method.

Errors do not need to be defined in the errors array to be raised.