
Quickly expose your models to a JSON or XML API, authenticated via HTTP or OAuth.

pip install bambu-api==0.1.2


Bambu API

Quickly expose your models to a JSON or XML API, authenticated via HTTP or OAuth.

About Bambu API

This package allows you to easily expose Django models to RESTful endpoints which can send data in XML or JSON format.

About Bambu Tools 2.0

This is part of a toolset called Bambu Tools. It's being moved from a namespace of bambu to its own 'root-level' package, along with all the other tools in the set. If you're upgrading from a version prior to 2.0, please make sure to update your code to use bambu_api rather than bambu.api.


Install the package via Pip:

pip install bambu-api

Add it to your INSTALLED_APPS list:


Add bambu_api.urls to your URLconf:

urlpatterns = patterns('',
    url(r'^', include('bambu_api.urls')),

The prefix should be kept blank, as the package exposes two main URL stems: /api/, wherein the RESTful endpoints live, and /docs/ where auto-generated documentation for each endpoint is found.

Basic usage

You define API endpoints like Django admins, and register them in a similar way.

Teka the Django 'polls' app as an example. Within the polls directory, you'd create a file called A simple API endpoint would be defined like this:

from bambu_api import ModelAPI, site
from myproject.polls.models import Question

class QuestionAPI(ModelAPI):

site.register(Question, QuestionAPI)

This registers the QuestionAPI endpoint for the Question model. The endpoint is then accessible at /api/polls/question.json.


Full documentation can be found at ReadTheDocs.

Questions or suggestions?

Find me on Twitter (@iamsteadman) or visit my blog.