
Configurable progress bars/status monitors for Python console applications.

pip install bar==0.1.0


bar PyPI version

Configurable progress bars/status monitors for Python console applications.

A little taste of what it currently looks like:


  • Ease of usage, thanks to with statement
  • Just uses ASCII control characters and Unicode, not curses etc.
  • Fully customizable templates
  • Dynamically updating progress bar and spinners
  • Ability to show elapsed and estimated times
  • Python 2 and 3 compatible


Simple Usage

import time
from bar import Bar

with Bar("Reticulating splines...", count=3000) as b:
    for i in range(3000):

See for detailed examples.


  • subject (Default: ""): Subject of the bar, see template parameter.

  • count: Steps to complete. Will be used when showing progress bars and ETA calculation.

  • end (Default: None): Text to show instead of template when process completes.

  • progressbar_width: (Default: -1) Width of the progress bar. Expands to the whole line when negative.

  • chars (Default: "block"): Chars used on progress bar. You can use the predefined characters below, or specify your own string.

      "block": "  ▏▎▍▌▋▊▉█",
      "shades": " ░▒▓█",
      "braille": " ⡀⡄⡆⡇⣇⣧⣷⣿",
      "ascii": " -=#"
  • spinner (Default: "fish"): You can use the predefined ones below, or specify your own(should support len and integer indexing). Will be shown with 2 FPS.

      "simple": ("*----", "-*---", "--*--", "---*-",
                 "----*", "---*-", "--*--", "-*---"),
      "fish": (">))'>    ", " >))'>   ", "  >))'>  ", "   >))'> ",
               "    <'((<", "   <'((< ", "  <'((<  ", " <'((<   ")
  • template (Default: "detailed"): The bar itself, using Python's standart string formatting syntax. You can use the predefined templates below, or specify your own.

      "detailed": "{subject} [{progressbar}] %{percentage:.2f} Elapsed: {seconds:.0f}s ETA: {eta:.0f}s",
      "timer": "{seconds:.0f}s"

    Allowed variables:

    • subject
    • spinner
    • progressbar
    • step: The current step
    • count: The maximum step count
    • remaining_steps: count - step
    • completed: step / count (as float)
    • percentage: completed * 100 (as float)
    • seconds: Seconds elapsed (as float)
    • eta: Estimated completion (as float)

Helper methods

  • Returns a wrapper to f to call bar.step after completion.

  •, *iterables): Maps f over iterables while stepping the bar.

      def map(self, f, *iterables):
          return map(, *iterables)
  •, *iterables): Creates a bar to show progress of map. iterables should support len. Warning: This function is eager on both Python 2 and Python 3 and always returns list.

  • bar.cancel(): Stops updating the bar, useful for debugging.


  • You shouldn't print anything or modify standart output anyhow when a bar is in progress.
  • You shouldn't nest bars, or use multiple bars in the same time.
  • You can't step a bar from a different process.


  • Use as a decorator
  • Allow nesting
  • Smarter ETA measurement
  • Use any iterable instead of indexable objects on spinners