A collection of simple machine learning algorithms

python, open-source, package, algorithm, random-forest, machine-learning-algorithms, cross-validation, statistical-learning, ml, regression, classification, ensemble, ensemble-learning, easy-to-use, adaboost, gradient-boosting, machine-learning-models, error-evaluation, machine-learning-package
pip install basicMLpy==1.0.4



docs Version

basicMLpy is a package that implements simple machine learning algorithms. It currently contains eight modules that implement multiple machine learning techniques for supervised learning.

The basicMLpy.regression module contains the following functionalities:

  • Linear Regression
  • Ridge Regression

The basicMLpy.classification module contains the following functionalities:

  • Multiclass classification through the IRLS(Iteratively Reweighted Least Squares) algorithm

The basicMLpy.nearest_neighbors module contains the following functionalities:

  • An implementation of the K-Nearest Neighbors algorithm, that can fit both classification and regression problems

The basicMLpy.model_selection module contains the following functionalities:

  • A Cross-Validation algorithm for the functions presented by the basicMLpy package

The basicMLpy.ensemble module contains the following functionalities:

  • An implementation of the Random Forests algorithm for regression and classification
  • An implementation of the AdaBoost algorithm for classification
  • An implementation of the Gradient Boosting algorithm for regression

The basicMLpy.decomposition module contains the following functionalities:

  • An implementation of the SVD decomposition algorithm
  • An implementation of the PCA algorithm

The basicMLpy.loss_functions module contains the following functionalities:

  • Multiple functions for error evaluation, e.g. MSE, MAE, exponential loss, etc.

The basicMLpy.utils module contains the following functionalities:

  • Useful functions utilized all throughout the other models.


To install basicMLpy run the following command:
pip install basicMLpy

Package's site and documentation



basicMLpy requires Python >= 3.8, Numpy >= 1.19, Scipy >= 1.5.2, scikit-learn >= 0.23.

On Github


On Pypi


Some thoughts

This is a work in progress project, so more functionalities will be added with time.


Henrique Soares Assumpção e Silva