
Program to compute beaming factor.

pip install beamingfactor==1.0.0


Beaming Facor Library

A pre-computed beaming factor library is presented in directory BeamingFactor_Lib.
The library can be downloaded with:

git clone  

For more detail introduction, please refer to README file inside.



  We present python based program BeamingFactor for users who want to compute factors themselves.

pip install beamingfactor  

Quick Start Usage:

Users should specify at least three components for a run:

  • the spectrum file
  • the filter transmission curve
  • orbital parameter

The program would return a list.
If Constant_Factor is True:

  • The first element is the beaming factor
  • The second element is D index, default is D1, D2, and D5.
  • The third and fourth elements are arrays about the radial velocity and corresponding beaming flux, respectively.

If Constant_Factor is False:

  • The first and second elements are arrays about the radial velocity and corresponding local beaming factor, respectively.


from beamingfactor import BeamingFactor as bf

Input Spectra Files:

Supported spectral type included: ATLAS9, PHOENIX, TMAP, and USER.
Users can specify synthetic spectra (files direct download from PHOENIX1(Must use high resolution file), ATLAS9, or TMAP), for example:


Alternatively, users can specific their own flux calibrated spectra as follows:

  • Files should be an ascii format csv file.
  • First column should be wavelength in Angstorm and second column being flux, seperated by comma.
  • First line can be comments or colnames begin with '#'.

An example spectrum file:


Input Filter Passband:

Filter name should be given with band='Filter_Name'.
Support Filter_Name: u,g,r,i,z,TESS,G,Gbp,Grp,U,B,V,R,I,kepler,NUV_CSST,u_c,g_c,r_c,i_c,z_c,y_c.

u,g,r,i,z are from SDSS (Sloan Digital Sky Survey);

NUV_CSST,u_c,g_c,r_c,i_c,z_c,y_c are from CSST

U,B,V,R,I are Johnson filter system

G,Gbp,Grp are Gaia filter system.

TESS for TESS satellite

kepler for Kepler satellite

For Example:


Alternatively, users can specify their own transmission curve as follows:

  • Files should be an ascii format csv file.
  • First column should be wavelength in Angstorm and second column being corresponding transmission efficiency, seperated by comma.
  • First line can be comments or colnames begin with '#'.

An example filter transmission curve file:


The default filter type is for energy counter detector (bandtype='E'). For photon counter detertor, please give bandtype='P'.

Orbital Parameters:

Users can directly define the radial velocity speed range with RV_min (km/s) and RV_max (km/s).
Alternatively, users can defined the orbaital parameters with K (km/s), V0 (km/s), e, omega (degree).
For example:


Other Parameters:


By default, Constant_Factor is True. Program output would include an constant beaming factor.
If Constant_Factor is set to be False, program output would include arrays of radial velocity and corresponding local beaming factor.


By default, Dindex is set to None and program output would include D indexes at 1, 2, and 5.
Users can give a list to obtain different D indexes.
For example: Dindex=[1.5,10] will give D1.5 and D10.


  1. Must use high resolution (R=500,000) file.