
Manager for Custom Beat Saber Playlists and Levels from BeatSaver

pip install beatsaver-manager==0.0.1


Beat Saber Custom Level and Playlist Manager Tests-badge

Command Line Interface to install, remove and update custom Beat Saber levels using the BeatSaver API.


Install via pip like any other Python package:

pip install beatsaver-manager

Alternatively use pipx

pipx install beatsaver-manager

Command Line Interface (CLI)

bsdl [-h] [--beatsaber <dir>] [--log-level <level>] <command> ...

The command line interface provides the main entry point bsdl. It has two arguments that can be specified. They are also available for all other commands the application provides.

The --beatsaber argument specifies the installation directory of the Beat Saber game, e.g.: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Beat Saber"

If the argument isn't set the application tries to read the value from the environment variable BEATSABER. If neither the environment variable nor the command line argument are set running the application will result in an error.


To avoid having to always specify the Beat Saber installation directory when calling the application it is advisable to set the environment variable $BEATSABER to contain the path to the Beat Saber installation.

However, the --beatsaber argument takes precedence over the value in the environment variable. If the argument is set, the value from the environment variable is not used. This makes it easy to manage multiple Beat Saber installations (e.g. Steam and Oculus).

The following commands can be used to set that environment variable to the given example location value. To use the command for a different path replace the filepath part with the one you want. Make sure the path is surrounded by quotation marks " ". On Windows a correctly formatted path to a folder can be copied by holding Shift while right-clicking a folder and selecting the option "Copy as Path".

Set Steam Directory

  • Example Location: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Beat Saber\Beat Saber_Data\CustomLevels
[System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("BEATSABER_TEST", "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Beat Saber\Beat Saber_Data\CustomLevels", [System.EnvironmentVariableTarget]::User)

Set Oculus Directory

  • Example Location: C:\Program Files\Oculus\Software\Software\hyperbolic-magnetism-beat-saber\Beat Saber_Data\CustomLevels
[System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("BEATSABER", "C:\Program Files\Oculus\Software\Software\hyperbolic-magnetism-beat-saber\Beat Saber_Data\CustomLevels", [System.EnvironmentVariableTarget]::User)

Managing Playlists

usage: bsdl bpl [-h] <command> ...

positional arguments:
    install   install playlist and download missing songs
              (use '-h' option for details)
    list      list all locally installed playlists
              (use '-h' option for details)
    rm        remove a playlist and all its unique songs
              (use '-h' option for details)
    upgrade   install newer version of all outdated local playlists
              (use '-h' option for details)
    sync      list all installed custom levels not in a playlist
              (behaves like 'lvl sync') (use '-h' option for details)

Installing Playlists

bsdl bpl install [-h] [--keys] [--files] [-f] playlist [playlist ...]

This command installs one or more playlists which can be referenced by either their BeatSaver key, the full BeatSaver URL or a path to an already downloaded bplist file from Beat Saver.

During installation all songs in that playlist that are not already installed are downloaded and installed from Beat Saver.

If a referenced playlist is already installed this specific playlist is skipped unless the -f, --force argument is set. Be aware that this argument applies to ALL playlists that are referenced.

Install a playlist via URL

bsdl bpl install

The above command will install the playlist Rammstein and download all its songs that aren't already installed. The Beat Saber installation directory is read from the environment variable. If it isn't set the application will not run. If the playlist is already installed it won't be downloaded again.

Install a playlist via BeatSaver Key

bsdl --beatsaber "C:\Beat Saber" bpl install --keys 2218

The above command will install the playlist Cyberpunk 2077 and download all its songs that aren't already installed. The Beat Saber installation directory is given as "C:\Beat Saber". If that directory doesn't exist or is write-protected the application will not run. If the playlist is already installed it won't be downloaded again.

Install a playlist via local file

bsdl bpl install --files "~/Downloads/BeatSaver - Sabaton.bplist"

Assume you have downloaded the playlist Sabaton to the default Windows Downloads directory without changing the filename. The above command will install the playlist and download all its songs that aren't already installed. The Beat Saber installation directory is read from the environment variable. If it isn't set the application will not run. If one of the files does not contain valid BeatSaver Playlist data the playlist is skipped. If the playlist is already installed it won't be downloaded again.

Forcefully install a playlist that is already installed

bsdl bpl install -f
bsdl bpl install --force

Both above commands are equivalent and behave exactly the same as the one described in Example 1. The only difference being that the playlist and all songs not already installed are always downloaded overwriting any potential existing playlist file.

Listing Installed Playlists

bsdl bpl list [-h] [--outdated]

Display all installed playlists

bsdl bpl list

The above command will display a table containing the title and Beat Saver key of all installed playlists. The Beat Saber installation directory is read from the environment variable. If it isn't set the application will not run. If no levels are installed nothing is displayed unless the log is set to debug level.

Display all installed playlists and check if they're outdated

bsdl bpl list --outdated

The above command behaves like the one in Example 1 but every playlist is compared to its corresponding version on BeatSaver. A third column is added to the table which will contain an "x" if the versions are different. This means the application considers it to be outdated and upgradable.

Removing Installed Playlists

bsdl bpl rm [-h] [--keep-songs] [--files] playlist [playlist ...]

This command removes one or more installed playlists which can be referenced by either their BeatSaver key or the path to the bplist file. By default this also removes all songs of a playlist unless that song is part of another playlist. If the option --keep-songs is set no songs will be removed. Be aware that this option applies to ALL referenced playlists.

Remove a playlist via key

bsdl bpl rm 1710

The above command will remove the playlist Rammstein and all songs that are unique to it. The Beat Saber installation directory is read from the environment variable. If it isn't set the application will not run.

Remove a playlist via filepath

bsdl bpl rm --files "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Beat Saber\Playlists\beatsaver-2218.bplist"

The above command will remove the playlist Cyberpunk 2077 and all songs that are unique to it. The Beat Saber installation directory is read from the environment variable. If it isn't set the application will not run.

Remove a playlist keeping all the songs

bsdl bpl rm --keep-songs 1710

The above command will remove the playlist Rammstein but will not remove its songs. The Beat Saber installation directory is read from the environment variable. If it isn't set the application will not run.

Synchronizing Playlists and Levels

bsdl bpl sync [-h] [--remove]

This command will display all installed levels that are not part in a playlist. If the option --remove is set, all of those levels will be removed.

This command behaves exactly like bsdl lvl sync

List all songs that aren't in a playlist

bsdl bpl sync

The above command will log all installed levels that aren't referenced as a song in any installed playlist. The Beat Saber installation directory is read from the environment variable. If it isn't set the application will not run.

List all songs that aren't in a playlist and delete them

bsdl bpl sync --remove

The above command will log and remove all installed levels that aren't referenced as a song in any installed playlist. The Beat Saber installation directory is read from the environment variable. If it isn't set the application will not run.

Upgrading Installed Playlists

bsdl bpl upgrade [-h] [--remove-songs] [--bpl <key> [<key> ...]]

This command determines all installed playlists and checks whether there is a difference between the installed version and the one found on BeatSaver. If the --remove-songs option is set . Using the --bpl option makes it possible to reference installed playlists by their BeatSaver key. If that option is checked only the referenced playlists are upgraded.

Upgrade a specific playlist

bsdl bpl upgrade --bpl 1072

The above command will check if there is a difference between the installed version of the playlist Sabaton and the one found on BeatSaver. If the playlist is not installed nothing is done. The Beat Saber installation directory is read from the environment variable. If it isn't set the application will not run.

Upgrade all outdated playlists

bsdl bpl upgrade

The above command will determine all installed playlists and check whether there is a difference between the installed version and the one found on BeatSaver. The Beat Saber installation directory is read from the environment variable. If it isn't set the application will not run.

Upgrade all outdated playlists and remove their songs

bsdl bpl upgrade --remove-songs

The above command will determine all installed playlists and check whether there is a difference between the installed version and the one found on BeatSaver. All songs that are no longer in the playlist are removed unless they are part of a another playlist. The Beat Saber installation directory is read from the environment variable. If it isn't set the application will not run.

Managing Custom Levels

usage: bsdl lvl [-h] <command> ...

positional arguments:
    install   install a custom level locally
              (use '-h' option for details)
    list      list all installed custom levels
              (use '-h' option for details)
    rm        remove a custom level not in a playlist
              (use '-h' option for details)
    sync      list all installed custom levels not in a playlist
              (behaves like 'bpl sync') (use '-h' option for details)

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

--log-level argument defaults to 'info' and can also be set with
the environment variable $BSDL_LOG_LEVEL

--beatsaber argument defaults to environment variable $BEATSABER
If the variable is not set, the argument MUST be provided

Installing Custom Levels

bsdl lvl install [-h] [--keys] [-f] level [level ...]

This command installs one or more levels which can be referenced by either their BeatSaver key or the full BeatSaver URL.

If a referenced level is already installed this specific playlist is skipped unless the -f, --force argument is set. Be aware that this argument applies to ALL levels that are referenced.

Install a Level via URL

bsdl lvl install

The above command will install the level Ludwig Göransson - The Mandalorian Theme. If the level is already installed it won't be downloaded again. The Beat Saber installation directory is read from the environment variable. If it isn't set the application will not run.

Install a Level via BeatSaver Key

bsdl lvl install --keys 5257

The above command will install the level Bonfire - Knife Party. If the level is already installed it won't be downloaded again. The Beat Saber installation directory is read from the environment variable. If it isn't set the application will not run.

Forcefully install a level that is already installed

bsdl lvl install -f
bsdl lvl install --force

The above commands are equivalent and behave like the one in Example 1. The only difference being that the level is always downloaded overwriting any potential existing version.

Listing Installed Levels

bsdl lvl list [-h] [--check-playlists]

Display all installed levels

bsdl lvl list

The above command will display a table containing the title and Beat Saver key of all installed levels. The Beat Saber installation directory is read from the environment variable. If it isn't set the application will not run. If no levels are installed nothing is displayed unless the log is set to debug level.

Display all installed levels and their playlist(s)

bsdl lvl list --check-playlists

The above command behaves like the one in Example 1 but a third column containing the names of playlists that contain the song is added to the table.

Removing Installed Levels

bsdl lvl rm [-h] [-f] [--files] level [level ...]

This command removes one or more installed levels which can be referenced by either their BeatSaver key or the path to the directory that contains the level data. If a level is referenced as a song in any installed playlist the removal is skipped unless the -f, --force option is set. Be aware that this option applies to ALL referenced levels. A referenced level that is not installed is also skipped.

Remove a level via its BeatSaver key

bsdl lvl rm 7707

The above command will remove the level Ludwig Göransson - The Mandalorian Theme if it is installed and not part of any playlist. The Beat Saber installation directory is read from the environment variable. If it isn't set the application will not run.

Remove a level via its directory path

bsdl lvl rm "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Beat Saber\Beat Saber_Data\CustomLevels\5257 (Bonfire - Funrankable)"

The above command will remove the level Bonfire - Knife Party if it is installed and not part of any playlist. The Beat Saber installation directory is read from the environment variable. If it isn't set the application will not run.

Forcefully remove a level ignoring whether it's in a playlist

bsdl lvl rm -f 7707
bsdl lvl rm --force 7707

The above commands are equivalent and behave like the one in Example 1. The only difference being that the level is removed even if it is in a playlist.

Synchronizing Levels and Playlists

bsdl lvl sync [-h] [--remove]

This command will display all installed levels that are not part in a playlist. If the option --remove is set, all of those levels will be removed.

This command behaves exactly like bsdl bpl sync

List all songs that aren't in a playlist

bsdl lvl sync

The above command will log all installed levels that aren't referenced as a song in any installed playlist. The Beat Saber installation directory is read from the environment variable. If it isn't set the application will not run.

List all songs that aren't in a playlist and delete them

bsdl lvl sync --remove

The above command will log and remove all installed levels that aren't referenced as a song in any installed playlist. The Beat Saber installation directory is read from the environment variable. If it isn't set the application will not run.

Future Improvements

  • Support for BeatSaver One-Click installation.

Encountered a Bug?

Feel free to open an issue if you encountered bugs or have other ideas that aren't yet listed in the backlog.