
Plugin for the music library manager Beets. The mosaic plugin generates a montage of a mosiac from cover art.

beets, mosaic
pip install beets-mosaic==0.9.2


Mosaic Plugin for beets

The mosaic plugin for beets generates a montage of a mosiac from cover art.

install with

pip install beets-mosaic

To use the mosaic plugin, first enable it in your configuration, see using-plugins

By default the mosaic generates a mosaic, as mosaic.png in the current directory, of cover art out of the whole library .

You can customize the output mosaic, overlay and blend a image as watermark and use a alternative filename as result picture

-h, --help                                    show this help message and exit
-r, --random                      randomize the cover art
-m FILE, --mosaic=file                save final mosaic picture as FILE
-w FILE, --watermark=FILE             add FILE for a picture to blend over mosaic
-a ALPHA, --alpha=ALPHA               ALPHA value for blending 0.0-1.0
-c HEXCOLOR, --color=HEXCOLOR         background color as HEXCOLOR
-g GEOMETRY, --geometry=GEOMETRY  Geometry defined as <width>x<height>+<marginx>+<marginy>


Create mosaic from all Album cover art:

$ beet mosaic

Create mosaic from band Tool with a second picture as watermark:

$ beet mosaic -w c:/temp/tool.png -a 0.4 Tool

Create mosaic from every Album out of year 2012, use background color red:

$ beet mosaic -b ff0000 year:2012


To configure the plugin, make a mosaic: section in your configuration file. There is four option:

  • mosaic: Use a different filename for the final mosaic picture, Default: mosaic.png.
  • watermark: Use a picture to blend over the mosiac picture, Default: ''None''.
  • alpha: The factor as float, to blend the watermark over the mosaic. 0.0 - means no visible watermark. 1.0 - full visible watermark. Default: 0.4
  • background: The color of the background and the visible border of the mosaic as Hexcolor e.g. ffffff for white or 000000 as black Default: ffffff
  • geometry: Define geometry of each cover defined as <width>x<height>+<marginx>+<marginy> Default: 100x100+3+3

Use from source

Mosaic plugin has some dependencies to other modules

Install the Pillow library by typing:

pip install Pillow

The plugin uses Pillow to manipulate album art and create the mosiac.

Furthermore, you have to install the Parse library by typing:

pip install Parse

The plugin uses Parse to parse the geometry-option.

Furthermore, you have to install the TTFQuery and fontTools library by typing:

pip install TTFQuery fontTools

The plugin uses TTFQuery and fontTools for creation of cover art alternative if cover art is not present in your library.

Furthermore, you have to install the requests library by typing:

pip install requests

The plugin uses requests to download the ttf-font from url.

Finally install the mosaic plugin with

python install