A fast and correct bencode serialize/deserialize library

bencode, bit-torrent, bittorrent, deserialize, p2p, serialize
pip install bencode2==0.1.3


A fast and correct bencode serialize/deserialize library

PyPI tests PyPI - Python Version Codecov branch


Why yet another bencode package in python?

because I need a bencode library:

  1. Correct, which mean it should fully validate its inputs, and won't try decode bencode bytes to str by default. Bencode doesn't have a utf-8 str type, only bytes, so many decoder try to decode bytes to str and fallback to bytes, this package won't, it parse bencode bytes value as python bytes.
  2. Fast enough, that's why this package is compiled with cython.
  3. even cross implement, what's why this package sill have a pure wheel bencode2-${version}-py3-none-any.whl pypi.


pip install bencode2

basic usage

import bencode2

assert bencode2.bdecode(b"d4:spaml1:a1:bee") == {b"spam": [b"a", b"b"]}

# If you want to decode dict with str keys:
# Note: this doesn't work with BitTorrent V2 torrent file.
assert bencode2.bdecode(b"d4:spaml1:a1:bee", str_key=True) == {"spam": [b"a", b"b"]}

assert bencode2.bencode({'hello': 'world'}) == b'd5:hello5:worlde'


bencode have 4 native types, integer, string, array and directory.

This package will decode integer to int, array to list and directory to dict.

Because bencode string is not defined as utf-8 string, and will contain raw bytes bencode2 will decode bencode string to python bytes.


Many python types are supported.

python type bencode type
bool integer 0/1
int, enum.IntEnum integer
str, enum.StrEnum string
bytes, bytearray,memoryview string
list, tuple, NamedTuple array
dict, OrderedDict directory
types.MaapingProxy directory
dataclasses directory