
Python Client Library for Benzinga Data

datascience, finance, financialdata, fintech, media, news
pip install benzinga==1.2.1


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Benzinga Python Client

This is the the official documentation for Benzinga's Python Package. This package Is compatible with Python v3.x+. For extensive instructions, visit Benzinga Docs

Getting Started

The installation process varies depending on your python version and system used. The basic installation instructions are as follows:

pip install benzinga

Alternatively, the package can be installed by using:

pip3 install benzinga

Once you have successfully installed the package, you can either import the Financial Data module, for quantitative financial data:

from benzinga import financial_data

or you can import the Benzinga News Data module, if you're looking into financial news:

from benzinga import news_data

Your Key

Api Key To initiate a class, an API key is used, for authentication purposes. Contact us if you don't yet have a key, we will take care of you!

Sample API Key (type: str) : "testkey892834789s9s8abshtuy"

Logging Information

Log=True by default. Purpose of logging is to determine when the call was made (2020-10-21 08:02.29) and get the status of API call within the console (Status Code: 200)

Log (type: bool)

Sample Test Financial Data Module

  1. Initiating the class:
from benzinga import financial_data
api_key = "testkey892834789s9s8abshtuy"
fin = financial_data.Benzinga(api_key)

# logging is by default True in above case, in order to turn off the logging set log to False 

fin = financial_data.Benzinga(api_key, log=False)
  1. A sample test run to get ratings on a stock. (Returns a JSON object):
stock_ratings = fin.ratings()
  1. Since fin.ratings() returns a JSON dict, for a better view of the dict, you can call the fin.output() method on the result. Example:

Sample Test News Data Module

  1. Initiating the class:
from benzinga import news_data
api_key = "testkey892834789s9s8abshtuy"
paper = news_data.News(api_key)
  1. A sample test run to get general news. (Returns a JSON Object)
stories =
  1. Since returns a JSON dict, for a better view of the dict, you can call the fin.output() method on the result. Example:

It is important to note that for both the Financial Data Module and the News Data Module, there are many optional parameters for the methods. Below is a detailed listing of possible methods for the Financial Data Module and the news Data Module, their method call names, arguments, and what they return.

For more Financial Data and News Data methods, please visit Benzinga Cloud.

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