
BetterConfig library for Python.

pip install betterconfigclient-python==1.0.3


BetterConfig client for Python

BetterConfig is a cloud based configuration as a service. It integrates with your apps, backends, websites, and other programs, so you can configure them through this website even after they are deployed.

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Getting started

1. Install the BetterConfigClient-Python package with pip

pip install betterconfigclient-python

2. Import betterconfigclient to your application

import betterconfigclient

3. Get your Project Secret from the portal


4. Initialize and get the client

client = betterconfigclient.get()

5. Get your config value

isMyAwesomeFeatureEnabled = client.get_value('key-of-my-awesome-feature', False)
if isMyAwesomeFeatureEnabled:
    //show your awesome feature to the world!

6. On application exit:



Client supports three different caching policies to acquire the configuration from BetterConfig. When the client fetches the latest configuration, puts it into the internal cache and serves any configuration acquisition from cache. With these caching policies you can manage your configurations' lifetimes easily.

Auto polling (default)

Client downloads the latest configuration and puts into a cache repeatedly. Use poll_interval_seconds parameter to manage polling interval. Use on_configuration_changed_callback parameter to get notification about configuration changes.

Lazy loading

Client downloads the latest configuration only when it is not present or expired in the cache. Use cache_time_to_live_seconds parameter to manage configuration lifetime.

Manual polling

With this mode you always have to call force_refresh() method to fetch the latest configuration into the cache. When the cache is empty (for example after client initialization) and you try to acquire any value you'll get the default value!

Initializing the client and the configuration parameters are different for each cache policy:

Auto polling


ParameterName Description Default
project_secret Project Secret to access your configuration REQUIRED
poll_interval_seconds Polling interval 60
max_init_wait_time_seconds Maximum waiting time between the client initialization and the first config acquisition in secconds. 5
on_configuration_changed_callback Callback to get notification about configuration changes. None
config_cache_class Custom cache implementation class. None

Example - increase poll_interval_seconds to 600 seconds:

betterconfigclient.initialize('<PLACE-YOUR-PROJECT-SECRET-HERE>', poll_interval_seconds=600)

Example - get notification about configuration changes via on_configuration_changed_callback:

def configuration_changed_callback(self):
    # Configuration changed.
betterconfigclient.initialize('<PLACE-YOUR-PROJECT-SECRET-HERE>', on_configuration_changed_callback=configuration_changed_callback)

Lazy loading


ParameterName Description Default
project_secret Project Secret to access your configuration REQUIRED
cache_time_to_live_seconds Use this value to manage the cache's TTL. 60
config_cache_class Custom cache implementation class. None

Example - increase cache_time_to_live_seconds to 600 seconds:

betterconfigclient.initialize_lazy_loading('<PLACE-YOUR-PROJECT-SECRET-HERE>', cache_time_to_live_seconds=600)

Example - use a custom config_cache_class:

from betterconfigclient.interfaces import ConfigCache

class InMemoryConfigCache(ConfigCache):

    def __init__(self):
        self._value = None

    def get(self):
        return self._value

    def set(self, value):
        self._value = value

betterconfigclient.initialize_lazy_loading('<PLACE-YOUR-PROJECT-SECRET-HERE>', config_cache_class=InMemoryConfigCache)

Manual polling


ParameterName Description Default
project_secret Project Secret to access your configuration REQUIRED
config_cache_class Custom cache implementation class. None

Example - call force_refresh() to fetch the latest configuration:

betterconfigclient.get().get_value('test_key', 'default_value') # This will return 'default_value' 
betterconfigclient.get().get_value('test_key', 'default_value') # This will return the real value for key 'test_key'



Name Description
betterconfigclient.get().get_configuration_json() Returns configuration as a json dictionary
betterconfigclient.get().get_value(key, defaultValue) Returns the value of the key
betterconfigclient.get().force_refresh() Fetches the latest configuration from the server. You can use this method with WebHooks to ensure up to date configuration values in your application.


The BetterConfig client uses the default Python logging package for logging.

Sample projects