A Python schema library that supports type checking and validation

pip install betterschema==0.1.10



BetterSchema is a schema validation and data watching framework for Python. It allows you to define data schemas, validate data against these schemas, and watch for changes in the data with custom watchers.


  • Schema Definition: Easily define data schemas using type hints and decorators.
  • Data Validation: Automatically validate data against the defined schemas.
  • Nested Schemas: Support for nested schemas within data models.
  • Watchers: Monitor changes to data attributes and perform custom actions.
  • Optional Fields: Handle optional fields within your schemas.
  • Type Checking: Enforce type constraints on data attributes.


You can install BetterSchema via pip:

pip install betterschema==0.1.18


Defining Schemas

To define a schema, you can use the @core.schema decorator on a class definition. Inside the class, you can define the attributes of the schema using type hints. You can also define nested schemas within the main schema class.

import betterschema.core as core

class Foo:
    foo1: str # String field
    foo2: int # Integer field
    foo3: bool # Boolean field
    foo4: list[str] # List of strings
    foo5: core.optional[int] # Optional field
    foo6: dict[str, int] # Dictionary field

    class EmbeddedSchema:
        bar1: str
        bar2: int
        bar3: bool

    bar: EmbeddedSchema # Nested schema field

Creating Instances

You can create instances of the schema by passing a dictionary with the required fields to the schema class constructor. The data will be validated against the schema automatically.

# Creating an instance of the schema
foo = Foo({
    "foo1": "hello",
    "foo2": 0,
    "foo3": True,
    "foo4": ["a", "b", "c"],
    "foo6": {"a": 1, "b": 2},
    "bar": Foo.EmbeddedSchema({
        "bar1": "world",
        "bar2": 20,
        "bar3": False,

# For nested schemas, you can also give a dictionary directly
foo = Foo({
    "foo1": "hello",
    "foo2": 0,
    "foo3": True,
    "foo4": ["a", "b", "c"],
    "foo6": {"a": 1, "b": 2},
    "bar": {
        "bar1": "world",
        "bar2": 20,
        "bar3": False,

Updating Values

You can update the values of the schema attributes directly. The data will be validated on each update.

# Updating values
foo.foo1 = "hello2"
foo.foo2 = 1

# if you try to set an invalid value, it will raise an exception
foo.foo1 = 1  # This will raise a TypeError

# you can also specify a dictionary to update multiple values at once
# in order to do this, you need to use the `<<` operator
foo << {
    "foo1": "hello3",
    "foo2": 2,

# for nested schemas, you can update the whole schema at once 
foo.bar = {
    "bar1": "world2",
    "bar2": 30,
    "bar3": True,

# or use the `<<` operator to do partial updates

foo.bar << {
    "bar1": "world3",
    "bar2": 40,

Watching Values

You can define watchers to monitor changes to specific attributes of the schema. Watchers are defined using the @core.watch decorator, which takes a tuple of the form (schema_class, attribute_name) as an argument.

@core.watch((Foo, "foo1"), (Foo, "foo2"))
def watch_values(inst, name: str, old, new):
    print(f"watch_values: {inst}.{name}, {old} -> {new}")
    if name == "foo1" and new == "hi":
        raise ValueError("foo1 cannot be 'hi'")


Contributions are welcome! Please submit a pull request or open an issue to discuss your ideas.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.