Python client library for BigParser's API to fetch data from grids.

pip install bigparser==0.0.6


Python Module for BigParser

Python client library for BigParser's API to fetch data from grids.

How to Install the package?

To install bigparser just type the following command in terminal:

$ pip install bigparser

Currently only supports python 3.3 and up. Later versions will include python 2.7 and up.

How to Import bigparser module into your code?

Add these two statements

from bigparser import grid
from bigparser import auth

Available Methods:

  • login() - To login into BigParser account and get authId for all requests
  • getHeader() - To get structure of specified grid
  • getRows() - To fetch rows from the specified grid.
  • getLastRow() - To get the last row or number of specified rows from the bottom
  • getRange() - To get a Range of rows and columns [returns result as dataframe]

How to Fetch Data?

Fetching Data from BigParser involves 3 simple steps

1.Login into your BigParser account.

2.Create an Object for the grid from which you wish to fetch data

3.Perform operation to the object to fetch data.

Step 1:

In order to fetch data the user should first login into BigParser account using the login() method


from bigparser import grid
from bigparser import auth

authId = auth.login("username", "password") #Store authId for future use

authId has to be passed in whenever a grid Object is created

Step 2:

Create a object for the grid from which you wish to fetch data.

from bigparser import grid
from bigparser import auth

gridId = "57a34c80e4b017cc76c37c25"

authId = auth.login("username", "password")

movies = grid(authId, gridId)

The gridId from which you wish to fetch the data must be specified by the user. [Here gridId of the "Movie Beta" grid has been used]

Step 3:

from bigparser import grid
from bigparser import auth

gridId = "57a34c80e4b017cc76c37c25"

authId = auth.login("username", "password")

movies = grid(authId, gridId)

rows = movies.getRows()

Sample Output

returns a list of rows.

  ['X-Men: Apocalypse', '2016'.....], 
  ['Warcraft', '2016'.....], 
  ['Captain America: Civil War', '2016'.....]

Another example

rows = movies.getRows(searchfilter={'year': '2016'},columns=['film name ','year'])


  ['X-Men: Apocalypse', '2016'],
  ['Warcraft', '2016'], 
  ['Captain America: Civil War', '2016'], 
  ['The Do-Over', '2016']....

Description of Available Auth Methods:



Logs into BigParser account and returns the authId


Required Parameters:

emailId - emailId/username of your account

password - password to login into BigParser account

Description of Grid Constructor:

 grid(authId, gridId)

Creates a grid object


Required Parameters:

authId - authId of you account retreived from login method

gridId - gridId of your grid. It can be found in the url of the grid.

Description of Available Grid Methods:



Fetches rows from the grid


Optional Parameters:

rows - Number of rows to be fetched from the matching resuslts

searchFilter - Dictionary containing global level searches and column level searches

     {'GLOBAL': ['x-men'], 'language ': ['english','French']}

Anything that has to be searched on a global level should go in to the list under the key "GLOBAL". Terms which are to be searched within columns should be specified as key and value(s) where key is the column name and value(s) is the term(s) to be searched.

sort - List of dictionaries containing the column to be sorted and their order

     [{"year": "ASC"}]

Here "year" is the column name and the value can be "ASC" for ascending order and "DSC" for descending order.

columns - list of columns to be fetched from the grid

       ['film name ', 'release date']



Fetches headers of the grid



Fetches rows from the grid


Optional Parameters:

count - Number of rows to be fetched from the bottom of the matching resuslts

searchFilter - Dictionary containing global level searches and column level searches

     {'GLOBAL': ['x-men'], 'language ': 'english'}

Anything that has to be searched on a global level should go in to the list under the key "GLOBAL". Terms which are to be searched within columns should be specified as key and value(s) where key is the column name and value(s) is the term(s) to be searched.

sort - List of dictionariess containing the column to be sorted and their order

     [{"year": "ASC"}]

Here "year" is the column name and the value can be "ASC" for ascending order and "DSC" for descending order.

columns - list of columns to be fetched from the grid

       ['film name ', 'release date']

Sample Code

Replace emailId and password in the login function

from bigparser import grid
from bigparser import auth

gridId = "57a34c80e4b017cc76c37c25"

authId = auth.login("emailId", "password")

movies = grid(authId, gridId)

headers = movies.getHeader()

rows = movies.getRows(searchfilter={'year': '20005'},columns=['film name ','language '],sort=[{'film name ':'ASC'}])

rows = movies.getRows(searchfilter={'GLOBAL': ['x-men'], 'language ': 'english'}, sort=[{"year": "ASC"}],columns=['film name ', 'release date'])

result = movies.getLastRow(count=2, columns=['film name ', 'language '])

result = movies.getRange(rows=5, columns=2)

rows = movies.getRows(searchfilter={'GLOBAL': ['x-men'], 'language ': 'english'}, sort=[{"year": "ASC"}],columns=['film name ', 'release date'])