recognizes (and classifies) blazingly fast- Addresses (also BIP21 with amount)
- Transactions (also base43 electrum encoding)
- Xpub
- Descriptor
- Multipath Descriptor (like Sparrow)
- Partial descriptors (Specter DIY) (finger print , derivation, xpub)
- TxId
- SignerInfo(s) for Hardware Signer Exports (Wallet Export)
- Animated QR Codes (BBQR), used by Coldcard
- Animated QR Codes (UR), used by Foundation Passport, Keystone
- Animated QR Codes used by Specter DIY
- Recognizes (and classifies) blazingly fast
- Animated QR Code generation via
- For BBQR, UR, and Specter DIY
- QR Code Widgets, via the widgets
Run the demo with
python demo_reader.py
pip install bitcoin_qr_tools
Setup poetry and install dependencies
curl -sSL https://install.python-poetry.org | python3 - # see https://python-poetry.org/docs/master/#installing-with-the-official-installer poetry config virtualenvs.in-project true poetry install
poetry shell python -m bitcoin_qr_tools
The python files in bitcoin_qr_tools are under the GPL3.
The folder bitcoin_qr_tools/ur is from https://github.com/Foundation-Devices/foundation-ur-py and under BSD-2-Clause Plus Patent License.
The folder bitcoin_qr_tools/urtypes from https://github.com/selfcustody/urtypes is under MIT.