
A simple little script that backs up a Bitwarden vault to a local KeePass file.

pip install bitwarden-to-keepass==0.0.1


Bitwarden to KeePass

A simple little script that backs up a Bitwarden vault to a local KeePass file.

$ bitwarden_to_keepass --keepass-file /path/to/file.kdbx

Installation and Usage

  1. Install the Bitwarden CLI.
  2. Install this code.
  3. Run.

Install the Bitwarden CLI

  1. Head to the Bitwarden CLI page page and download the native executable for your system.
  2. Place this file somewhere in your PATH. For example, on Linux you might download it to /usr/local/bin. Make sure that the file is executable (eg: chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/bw).

For convenience, you can use this command to do all of the above (on Linux)

wget \
&& sudo unzip -d /usr/local/bin \
&& sudo chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/bw

Install this code

pip install bitwarden-to-keepass

Or see Development.


Run bitwarden_to_keepass.

You'll be prompted for all the secrets and whatnot. Each secret arg has an associated env var (see bitwarden_to_keepass --help for env var names). If that env var is found, the value from the env var will be used and you will not be prompted.

You can also send in your secrets via command line, though this is not recommended.

Personally I like to create a file:

export BW_MASTER_PW=<Bitwarden master password>
export BW_CLIENTID=<Bitwarden API Client ID>
export BW_CLIENTSECRET=<Bitwarden API Client Secret>

# If you also want to backup your Organization data:
export BW_ORG_ID=<Organization ID>

and source it before running:

$ source
$ bitwarden_to_keepass --keepass-file /c/foo/bar.kdbx


Install the Bitwarden CLI and the KeePass CLI as mentioned above.

  1. Clone the repo: git clone
  2. Move into that dir: cd bitwarden-to-keepass
  3. Create a virtual environment: python -m venv .venv
  4. Activate it: . .venv/bin/activate
  5. Install python packages:
    1. pip install -U pip setuptools wheel
    2. pip install -e .[dev]
  6. Run tests to verify: pytest
  7. Install pre-commit hooks: pre-commit install
  8. Ready to develop


  1. Update by inserting a new heading:

    --- a/
    +++ b/
    @@ -3,6 +3,9 @@
     ## Unreleased
    +## v1.0.0 (2023-01-14)
     + Finally decided to work on this again and got things to decent working state!
       This should be usable now and ticks all of the original requirements.
  2. Update pyproject.toml with the new version:

    --- a/pyproject.toml
    +++ b/pyproject.toml
    @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta"
     name = "bitwarden_to_keepass"
    -version = "0.0.1"
    +version = "1.0.0"
     description = "A simple little script that backs up a Bitwarden vault to a local KeePass file."
     readme = ""
     requires-python = ">=3.8"
  3. Commit these changes.

  4. Create a new git tag git tag v1.0.0 -m "Release v1.0.0".

Then push tags to github. CI will build the source distribution and wheel and upload them to PyPI.

