
The Python package for the BlankSort keyword extraction algorithm.

pip install blanksort==0.0.3



The Python package for the BlankSort keyword extraction algorithm.


Use the following command to install from TestPyPI:

pip install --upgrade blanksort


BlankSort can be imported like any other Python package:

import blanksort

After importing, you can create a BlankSort object.

algo = blanksort.BlankSort()

Alternatively, you can use the following code to create the BlankSort object.

from BlankSort import *
algo = BlankSort()

The BlankSort constructor accepts the following arguments:

  • binary_path [optional]
    • The path to the binary folder that contains blanksort.database and stopwords-en.txt. If not specified, the default binary files will be downloaded.
  • preloadVectors [optional keyword argument]
    • A boolean (default False) that specifies if word vectors should be pre-loaded into memory.
  • saveGeneratedVectors [optional keyword argument]
    • A boolean (default False) that specifies if word vectors generated on-the-fly should be saved to blanksort.database.


import blanksort
algo = blanksort.BlankSort()
keywords = algo.rank("[input text]")

Binary Files

The BlankSort package requires several files, collectively referred to as "binaries".

File name Description
blanksort.database A database file created using SQLiteDict. The database contains word vectors and n-grams imported from FastText.
stopwords-en.txt A text file containing a list of stop words for pre-processing. Each line should contain a single word.

If the files are not found in the binary_path, the package will download the default binary folder from the latest version of attached to a release.