
CAS Client (SP) for Bottle

'bottle, CAS, plugin'
pip install botCasClient==21.9.22


botCasSP - A CAS Client for Bottle Web Apps


botCasSP is a CAS (Central Authentication Service) client module for Bottle web framework applications. The CasSP instance allows bottle apps to be CAS Service Providers (SP's), authenticating users to a CAS server, and use any assertions the CAS server provides within the client session.

CAS is a legacy single sign-on (SSO) protocol, still in not uncommon use, especially in academia. CAS uses back channel verification and is simple to add to applications.

botCasSP Getting started

from botCasSP import CasSP
from BottleSession import BottleSession
from bottle import Bottle

from config import sess_config, cas_config
app = Bottle()
ses = BottleSession(*sess_config)
cas_config ={
  'cas_server_base_url': '',
  'cas_attr_list' : ['sn', 'givenName', 'uid', 'groups']

casc = CasSP(app=app, config=cas_config)

def hello():
    return f'Hello {request.session['username']}'

def only():
    return 'Hello bob or alice'

@casc.require_attr('groups': ['sysadmin', 'netadmin'])
def admins():
    return "Hello admin"

def bye():
    if casc.is_authenticated:
    return 'bye'

if __name__ == '__main__':

botCasSP uses BottleSessions for session management. Install BottleSessions before CasSP. (BottleSessions is based on Pallets project cachelib, providing numerous caching back-ends including filesystem, redis, and memcached back-ends.)

At the minimum (cas v1) the CAS server will just authenticate the user. Most v1 and all v2/v3 servers provide the username. With botCasSP this can be accessed as request.session.get('username') or casc.my_username.

Other Information provided with CAS v2/v3 server authentication is matched against the cas_attr_list in the configuration. Attributes with matching names are added to the users session. This is ['sn', 'givenName', 'uid', 'groups'] in the example. If the CAS servers provides these attributes, they are included in the users session and are accessible in a dict as request.session['attributes'] or casc.my_attrs.

The username and attributes data are available both to views and to any middleware installed in the request stack after BottleSessions. This data can be used by Bottle apps to pre-populate forms, used for identifcation to other systems, etc.

botCasSP CasSP Class

botCasSP is the module, CasSP is the class implementing CAS Service Provider function.

CasSP Class Signature:

from botCasSP import CasSP

casc = CasSP(app=app, 
        sess_attr='attributes', logger=None, 

CasSP Parameters and Configuration:


  • Required: the Bottle app instance


  • Optional: Name of the session entry to contain username (default: username as in session['username']) It's unlikely this needs to be changed.


  • Optional: Name of the session entry to contain assertion attributes (default: attributes as in session['attributes']['email']) It's unlikely this needs to be changed.


  • Required: A Python dict of CAS configuration parameters. The most important is the base url and the attribute list:

    • cas_server_base_url : API base URL of the CAS server (required) Typically this is in the form of CasSP builds out the remainder of the server API from the base url.

    • cas_version : CAS protocol version: v1, v2, or v3 (default: v2) There isn't much benefit to v3, and v1 generally only provides the username.

    • cas_attr_list : Python list of attributes. These are the assertions from a v2 or v3 server to be kept in a users session from a successful CAS validation response.

      • e.g. ['email', 'sn', 'givenname', 'groups']
      • It's up to the CAS server to provide parameters.
      • default is [ ]

    Example cas_config

    cas_config = {
        "cas_server_base_url": "",
        "cas_attr_list" : ["sn", "given", "email","groups", "dept"]


  • Optional: Python logger object. CasSP defaults logging to stderr if no logger is provided.


casc.is_authenticated : True if the current session is authenticated. casc.my_username Returns username or None if not authenticated. casc.my_attrs Returns dict of retrieved attrs or {} if not authenticated.


Login management

casc.initiate_login(next,**kwargs) => redirect

  • Returns SAML (302) redirect to the CAS server to authenticate via username/password or SSO.
  • next=None - URL to redirect after login completed (optional)
  • Use this in your login view, or decorate with @casc.require_login - it does the same thing.

casc.initiate_logout(next) => redirect | str

  • Initiate Logout from iDP by redirecting to the CAS servers logout.
  • next=None - URL to redirect after logout completed (optional) Some CAS servers ignore this.

casc._finish_login() => Response | str

  • route: /casc/finish
  • Standard service ticket endpoint from casc.initiate_login()
  • Validates the ticket and runs login hooks
  • Construct user session data from validation response.
  • redirects user to route that triggered the login.
Login Hooks Decorator

@casc.add_login_hook or casc.add_login_hook(f)

  • Decorates a function f that runs after SAML authentication is completed
  • each login hook is run in order of additon
  • data can be updated before being added to the session with login_hooks
def my_login_hook(username, attributes):
    # massage or transform attributes
    username = username.tolower()
    # standaradize naming
    attributes['surname'] = attributes['sn']
    del attributes['sn']
    # supplement data from other sources
    attributes['graph'] = get_graph_data_api(username)
    # raise exception to thwart login 
    if attributes['affiliation'] != 'employee': 
        raise Exception('Employees only')
    # return both username and attributes for the next hook to use.
    return username, attributes
View Decorators

@casc.login_required or casc.login_required(f)

  • route decorator
  • Decorates a view function f to require unauthenticated users to login.
  • After authentication the user is redirected to the view that initaited the login.
  • Order after @app.route decorators:
def myview():
    return 'All logged in!'

@casc.require_user(user_or_list) or casc.require_user(f, user_or_list)

  • Decorates a function f to require session user to be listed
  • a single user or a list of users can be provided
  • Returns 403 Unauthorized if session username is not in the list
  • Order after @app.route decorators:
def view():
    return 'Hi bob'

@casc.require_user(['bob', 'alice'])
def view2():
    return 'Hi alice or bob'

@casc.require_attr(attr, value) or casc.require_user(f, attr, value)

  • Decorates a function f to require session to have attr with value listed
  • a single attribute value or a list of values can be provided
  • Returns 403 Unauthorized if session does not have the required attr/value.
  • Order after @app.route decorators:
@casc.require_attr('role', 'dba')
def dba_view():

@casc.require_attr('groups', ['sysadmin', 'netadmin','storageadmin', 'cloudadmin'])
def infra_view():
Proxy Mode Methods

These are helpers for assembling a CAS proxy service, allowing an SP to request resources from another CAS server on a users behalf.

casc.get_proxy_session(service, resource_urn)

  • Acquire and authorize a proxy ticket for resource_urn via service
  • Returns a Python Requests Session object or None for application use.
  • Requests Session object will have any of the service cookies for the resource_urn
  • resource_urn is optional (will use service)


  • Returns Proxy Ticket for a service
  • proxy_api mode only.


  • route: /casc/proxy
  • Available only in proxy_api mode.
  • Returns redirect for service with attached proxy_ticket
  • route front end for casc.acquire_proxy_ticket